Our New Enter, a Shih Tzu dog called Max

This is indeed a very surprising gift from my sister to my dad. I could never expect she will present this to my dad as a birthday gift. Max is some kind of naughty and active dog although it looks like a very quiet dog. He like to shake his tail and lickin' my fingers ( because my fingers like McDonald's french fries * salty )

Today went to KL as well, to celebrate my sister's birthday. She bought Max as a early gift for my dad in his coming November birthday. After eating a simple, cheap and delicious Wantan Mee, we just go around the highway and town and ended in a side road. A woman, not really beautiful as I expected selling the dog. We met Max there.

Ahh, after bought him, we immediately brought him to a pet shop. Buy food, tools, cage and somemore service him with massage, combing and bathing ( I never been treated like this before in my whole life ). I felt he is luckier than me. When I want a fried egg, they don't give. But Max doesn't request anything, they already bought him a nutritious food. I want hired a people to massage me, they said it's wasting their money. But they immediately bought a massage service for Max.

Cut the crap, I can't compare myself to dog.

It's hard to capture his piccas. A Shih Tzu dog. Kinda cute but not as cute as me.

Holding him like my baby and I want to kiss him but, he's too dirty for a clean dude like me. His tongue...yucks!

Just like a blackmail photo. A criminal holding a dog to blackmail someone
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Apocalypse is Over. Andrew is now back as a Crap

Due to the coming PMR, i had stop blogging since few months ago ( or in other word, I'm lazy ). PMR is the new worse disaster for me, some kind of virus that can drive me crazy. For now, the apocalypse is over, and it does bring a smile to whole Malaysia Form 3 students.

For now, I'm now back as a crap again.
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