Cancer Is Not A Disease. It Is A Survival Mechanism!

However, they are smart in first aid. But in treating some diseases case..make us very dissapointed. Why? They never research about disease. They just looking at it and guessing around. They followed other doctors. If the doctor kill somebody, the other doctors also kill someone. This thing spread out of the world.
But do you know that cancer is not a disease. It is a survival mechanism. In the cancer treatment, doctors only giving more harm to patient instead of curing them. Why did they do so? Because they thought cancer is a disease that suddenly attack the body. Actually they are defending. Doctors treatment philosophy on cancer is to KILL ALL CANCER CELLS!
The cancer cells are normal cells that have been asked to mutate to perform some things. Who asked them to mutate? It is your smart ass healing mechanism of our body asked them to mutate. To heal, to cure us.
Do you experienced before that you get a injured but you totally didn't realized it is bleeding. You're scare out to see your blood wet your cloths and you see your injured part has a scar on it and you wondered what the hell is happening. It is your healing mechanism. They done it. The healing mechanism take care of it even we are not aware of it. They work on its own.
Your body is being attack and your organs are no longer functioning well. Cells become weaker and weaker and die. Your body is degrading fast and it can't tell you to stop toxicfy your body because the cells don't know how to SMS to your mobile phone to say " Shitass, stop toxify xxxxxxx ". They can just do their best silently in your body.
With not enough cells to work for you, the survival mechanism asked the normal cells to mutate. The normal cells are leveling up to more scarier, powerful cells that are many times STRONGER and BIGGER than any normal cells. They work faster to survive your body before your body dies.
To work OT in your body, they need more food than normal cells. The doctors say we need to kill all the cancer cells instead of giving them more food. Thats a 'good' idea. ('good'= bad)
Your survival mechanism mutated your cancer cells, but you kill it all. Then, it created more, and you kill it again. Time is rushing out and your body is dying. The doctors kill all your saviours. Your survival mechanism has no choice to save your ass, it mutated cancer cells to survive your body but you kill it again. What happen next? !!!R.I.P!!!
And the saddest is your family still need to pay the doctor for his failure job. If you go format your computer, and your computer now hard disc burned by them and now your computer is hardly spoiled, will you pay for technician?
What is the correct way to treat cancer? To treat the cause not the symptom. You must eat healthy, sleep healthy, whatever also healthy. Do you heard a news that a person possibly recover from a impossible-to-cure cancer? What do the guy say? "I just eat healthy, sleep healthy and do whatever also healthy". Thats why!

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