Gong Xi Fa Cai 2009

Gong Xi Fa Cai. Today is 26th January. I should put this post as my first post. But what the hell this post is second post? I forgot lor. This year is my weirdest Chinese New Year.

-No new clothes
-MapleSEA useless quest
-No time going my friends' house get Angpao

My friends even my relatives have their new clothes. I still showing up with my 2008 old cloth. MapleSEA? Play 4 hours to get 200% additional bonus experience and quest also eating my time and mesos! Bai nian? All my friends either balik kampung or go on tour.

2009 sucks? Why?

-PMR coming...
-St John Ambulance Senior Exam coming
-Money going
-Pressure coming

Sui pergi ong mari? Nah! Now my situation is ong pergi sui mari.

God Bless Me,
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