Make Money Online Is To Teach People How To Make Money Online

Some of you wonder can you be rich if you make money online? Some of you confuse and try to convicing yourself to believe those online marketing coach who can make you rich! I don't guarantee you will be rich if you follow their instruction, but I can make sure you will just make them rich.
You think so easy can make money from onlining? But many people wake up and say
Make Money Online = Teach People Make Money Online
Ok, let me explain more detail. In a very very ancient time, where they still wearing grass to cover up their dick. They knew gold will make them rich and they said alot of gold are beneath the land . They said dig the land and they will get gold. So they start to dig. Dig for whole night, but no gold. What did they dig out? Skulls... They are just dreaming about gold.
Who is the richest at that time? Those person sold them dig tools lar. There are many courses, seminar and even books to teach you how you will become rich. There is a woman who called herself " The #1 Internet Marketing Coach ". That make a hell laugh from me. She called herself so because she said Google ranked her as #1 for Internet Marketing Coach. Google rank you only for keyword in search result and that doesn't mean you're #1 Internet Marketing Coach.
We using Malaysia IP. So we will see her in rank #4. But at oversea, she almost page 4 or page 5.
However, she is a rich woman. Because she is selling you the tools to make money online! She makes a lot of money by teaching you how to make money online! She also oragnizing seminars for those noobs.
So, do you know now? Teach people make money online is the best way for making money online.
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