Junk E-Mails

Okay, Nowadays I think most of you get some annoying emails right? Some about hotmail and yahoo too crowded and called you to send it to 20 people. If you didn't do as they say, your account will be permanent ban. Do you all believe that? If you do, you're an idiotic.
I read all the message and all is by " The Director of Hotmail, Aaron Lopez ". What the hell this important message's font so colourful. And the font big like hell. No Hotmail logo. And who the hell is Aaron Lopez? Aaron Ah Pek? Whatever what he calls, he is a jerk. Try to search Aaron Lopez in Google. There are no such person. Wait. There is a link about him, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Lopez
He is dead for a long time. He is a Jewish merchant not a Hotmail Director. And one more thing is, I think I didn't send those message to 20 of my friends and my my Hotmail account still not yet ban? That is just joke from craps.
Okay, now the second type of junk emails. About some scarier thing. The message similar to this..
" I am the Wasabi Monster. I like to eat humans. But now I want to keep fit and I don't want to hurt anyone of you during this period because I wanna to be fit as Andrew. Send this to 15 people so I won't eat you. If you don't do what as I say, you will die in my spicy hand. Muahahaha"
Don't believe that I existed in this world?
Don't be like Lemon. He thought this a joke from some jerks. He didn't send it to his friends. One night, I force him eat my spicy and irritating wasabi. He ate it until he is dead.
Don't be like Cindy. She only send it to 10 of her friends. That not enough. I killed her and put some wasabi in her mouth.Make her corpse more smelly. "
This is written by me. But I didn't send it to anyone. I just post it in my blog. Do you believe that? Why Lemon didn't appear in newspaper due to eating wasabi until die. That's all false. None of that is true. Understand now? Those messages are just joking around. Investigate it before you believe it.
I read all the message and all is by " The Director of Hotmail, Aaron Lopez ". What the hell this important message's font so colourful. And the font big like hell. No Hotmail logo. And who the hell is Aaron Lopez? Aaron Ah Pek? Whatever what he calls, he is a jerk. Try to search Aaron Lopez in Google. There are no such person. Wait. There is a link about him, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Lopez
He is dead for a long time. He is a Jewish merchant not a Hotmail Director. And one more thing is, I think I didn't send those message to 20 of my friends and my my Hotmail account still not yet ban? That is just joke from craps.
Okay, now the second type of junk emails. About some scarier thing. The message similar to this..
" I am the Wasabi Monster. I like to eat humans. But now I want to keep fit and I don't want to hurt anyone of you during this period because I wanna to be fit as Andrew. Send this to 15 people so I won't eat you. If you don't do what as I say, you will die in my spicy hand. Muahahaha"
Don't believe that I existed in this world?
Don't be like Lemon. He thought this a joke from some jerks. He didn't send it to his friends. One night, I force him eat my spicy and irritating wasabi. He ate it until he is dead.
Don't be like Cindy. She only send it to 10 of her friends. That not enough. I killed her and put some wasabi in her mouth.Make her corpse more smelly. "
This is written by me. But I didn't send it to anyone. I just post it in my blog. Do you believe that? Why Lemon didn't appear in newspaper due to eating wasabi until die. That's all false. None of that is true. Understand now? Those messages are just joking around. Investigate it before you believe it.
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