Streamyx Rocks! (2)

This is the sequel post to Streamyx Rocks! Last time I decided to stop complaining Streamyx since they gave me a heaven connection. But however, there is a limit time for that. A 1024kbps turn to be 512kbps. Wow! A heaven connection of mine turned to hell connection. Load to wikipedia slow like siao.
A wikipedia page less than 50kb isn't it. 1024kbps modem should load it less than a second. But it like takes forever loading. I finish eating my nasi lemak and up leveling my maple character and the wikipedia still in loading process.
1024kbps? My ass! And one thing is the speedometer tools in Streamyx official website, that tool is just a lie from Streamyx. The reason is to get rid from the Streamyxer that having a slow connection.
Don't believe? I think use to test your Streamyx speed is enough. Please test your speed in outside server of Malaysia. If you test it in Malaysia, your speed sure as fast as lightning. I repeat again, test your speed to outside of Malaysia. You will open your big eyes and see how " fast " Streamyx is.
Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx so that he can LIVE IN PEACE
Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx so that he can LIVE IN PEACE
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