Don't Raise The Police Salary. It Will Just Increase Corruption!

Bribe, bribe and bribe. Now policeman even richer than Bill Gates. We bribed them much alot in one days. And to prevent this bribe case, goverment chose to raise their salaries. No! It will make him greedier. If now his salary is RM1000 and you bribe him for RM10, he will be happy. If Government raise it to RM1800, RM10 no longer look tasty to them.

They don't want Milo already. After raised, they need a bottle of Ribena! Now they need minimum RM20. Why? A big risk will get a higher reward. Don't undertsand? Let me explain.

Receiving bribe is a illegal and they everyday do so. They are taking the risk now. What risk? Risk against losing their job, losing their salary. When salary is RM1000, risk is small. When RM1800, the risk bigger. So they need a bigger reward to back up this risk. The bigger risk, the bigger bribe amount.

A " tiada pangkat " policeman can be bribe in RM10, but inspector at least RM50. To make sure we can continue bribe police in RM10, please don't make any decision to raise police salary in future.

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