Streamyx Rocks (3)

Aiyo....The picture freaking blur. Nevermind. Let me tell you my speed test to Penang Server.

Download : 437 kbps / Upload : 65 kbps

That is the lowest speed I get from TM-Nut. I'm packaging a 1024kbps speed, they give me even lower than 512kbps speed for me and the horribly 65 upload speed.

TM-Net already know that they have a slow connection to international websites. This is nothing new to them. It is not a secret, not a surprise and not a special case to them anymore! The manager knew it, the tauke knew it, the CEO knew it, the technician knew it. There are millions of complaints they get everyday and receives more than thousand calls from customers for slow connection.

What do they answer us when we complain about slow connection? Your spliter spoilt, you're using torrents. They blame us back for using torrents and etc. They also had promised us to give a bandwith we pay for and they providing it. Now I'm paying for RM88 for 1024kbps but I get 437 kbps. It much slower than RM66 package!

They have no resolution and they always solved it by luck. They used local bandwidth test to test our speed. The telephone operators also well done and always get rid from complaints. You will listen " Kami sedang mengalami gangguan line di Mentakab...". That just a another lie from Streamyx. They promise us to do something but nothing at all in the end. I hope they will allocate the money we gave them to upgrade their speed and connection.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx because he is too tired
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