Why The World Never Be Perfect? What You Want Doesn't Mean Others Want Too

Note: I'm not talking about MMORPG Perfect World.

There are no ' perfect world'. There are over 7 billions people living on this earth and they have different definition of " PERFECT ". And all of them significantly contradict with each other! Your definition of perfect is different than my definition of perfect. Barack Obama's definition of perfect different from Osama bin Laden definition of perfect. How the world can be perfect if everyone have different definition of perfect?

For example I'm a non smoker. I hope everyone no more smoking.

But for smokers..They hope...

  • They can smoke anywhere and anytime even in Parliament
  • They can smoke in front of their children
  • Smoking can enhance their health
  • Goverment will not increase the tax on cigarettes but instead subsidizes them like they subsidizes our petrol.

How can the world will be perfect when the non-smokers' perfect world is no smokers and smokers' perfect world is they can smoke anywhere they want. Both of them keep fighting for their own 'perfect world'.

Each religion in this world has their own definition of ‘perfect’. Muslims say that there is only 1 God who created the world and His name is Allah. Christians say that there is also 1 God who created the world but His name IS NOT Allah. Then Hinduism say that there are a lot of Gods who created the world together. But Buddhists say that there in No God who created this world.

Muslims perfect world would be everyone’s a Muslim and follows Islam’s teachings. Christian’s perfect world would be everyone’s Christian and follows Christian’s teachings. So as Hinduism and Buddhists. How the fuck can the world be ‘perfect’ when everyone has different definition for ‘perfect’? [And also definition of 'sin' when it comes to religion]

When you are driving down the traffic light, you wish that the light is GREEN for you. Put it another way, you selfish little bastard wish the other sides got RED! But the drivers at the other sides wish that you got the RED instead so he can have the GREEN! (The other side are also selfish bastards)

A chicken (real chicken, not the fake chicken) perfect world would be a world that human don’t eat chicken BUT the human perfect world be more KFCs and Ramlee Burgers.
Wow! I never thought of that until now. If chickens and animals also have their own definitions of perfect world, there will be 7 billions people + XXX billion animals that all have different definitions for a perfect world. See how pissed off it can be.

Cow perfect world would be that no human drink cow’s milk and girls don’t like cheese cake while human perfect world would be a cow with unlimited milk.

Girls perfect world is a lot of shoes and handbags. Guys perfect world is no need to go shopping with his girlfriend and suffocate inside the extremely crowded Vinci Shop.

Going more sarcastic (but very true). A Johor girl hopes that there are no rapist in Johor but a Johor rapist hopes that he can rape anyone he wants without being caught by the police! [Note: 'rape anyone he wants' not 'rape everyone' because even rapists has their own definition of 'perfect' victims. Different rapists have different taste. Some like girls wearing nurse uniform because he watches too many Japanese AV while some like smaller size girls because he consciously or subconsciously knows that he can control her easier than a BIG one. It is very shameful if you try to rape someone and end up being 'raped' back with a stick on your back hole and your balls broken.]

Americans hope that all terrorists are dead while terrorists hope that all Americans are dead.
Everyone wants to be the richest man in the world but there is only 1 richest man in the world at anytime out of the 6 billion people in this world.

Streamyx users want fast torrents download but TM Net hopes their customers don’t know how to use torrent so they can save a lot of money in bandwidth.

Every single “want” that we want, there will always be someone in this world that don’t want it. And for every single “don’t want” that we don’t want, there will always be someone in this world that want it. How the hell can be world be perfect?

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