Why The World Never Be Perfect? What You Want Doesn't Mean Others Want Too

Note: I'm not talking about MMORPG Perfect World.

There are no ' perfect world'. There are over 7 billions people living on this earth and they have different definition of " PERFECT ". And all of them significantly contradict with each other! Your definition of perfect is different than my definition of perfect. Barack Obama's definition of perfect different from Osama bin Laden definition of perfect. How the world can be perfect if everyone have different definition of perfect?

For example I'm a non smoker. I hope everyone no more smoking.

But for smokers..They hope...

  • They can smoke anywhere and anytime even in Parliament
  • They can smoke in front of their children
  • Smoking can enhance their health
  • Goverment will not increase the tax on cigarettes but instead subsidizes them like they subsidizes our petrol.

How can the world will be perfect when the non-smokers' perfect world is no smokers and smokers' perfect world is they can smoke anywhere they want. Both of them keep fighting for their own 'perfect world'.

Each religion in this world has their own definition of ‘perfect’. Muslims say that there is only 1 God who created the world and His name is Allah. Christians say that there is also 1 God who created the world but His name IS NOT Allah. Then Hinduism say that there are a lot of Gods who created the world together. But Buddhists say that there in No God who created this world.

Muslims perfect world would be everyone’s a Muslim and follows Islam’s teachings. Christian’s perfect world would be everyone’s Christian and follows Christian’s teachings. So as Hinduism and Buddhists. How the fuck can the world be ‘perfect’ when everyone has different definition for ‘perfect’? [And also definition of 'sin' when it comes to religion]

When you are driving down the traffic light, you wish that the light is GREEN for you. Put it another way, you selfish little bastard wish the other sides got RED! But the drivers at the other sides wish that you got the RED instead so he can have the GREEN! (The other side are also selfish bastards)

A chicken (real chicken, not the fake chicken) perfect world would be a world that human don’t eat chicken BUT the human perfect world be more KFCs and Ramlee Burgers.
Wow! I never thought of that until now. If chickens and animals also have their own definitions of perfect world, there will be 7 billions people + XXX billion animals that all have different definitions for a perfect world. See how pissed off it can be.

Cow perfect world would be that no human drink cow’s milk and girls don’t like cheese cake while human perfect world would be a cow with unlimited milk.

Girls perfect world is a lot of shoes and handbags. Guys perfect world is no need to go shopping with his girlfriend and suffocate inside the extremely crowded Vinci Shop.

Going more sarcastic (but very true). A Johor girl hopes that there are no rapist in Johor but a Johor rapist hopes that he can rape anyone he wants without being caught by the police! [Note: 'rape anyone he wants' not 'rape everyone' because even rapists has their own definition of 'perfect' victims. Different rapists have different taste. Some like girls wearing nurse uniform because he watches too many Japanese AV while some like smaller size girls because he consciously or subconsciously knows that he can control her easier than a BIG one. It is very shameful if you try to rape someone and end up being 'raped' back with a stick on your back hole and your balls broken.]

Americans hope that all terrorists are dead while terrorists hope that all Americans are dead.
Everyone wants to be the richest man in the world but there is only 1 richest man in the world at anytime out of the 6 billion people in this world.

Streamyx users want fast torrents download but TM Net hopes their customers don’t know how to use torrent so they can save a lot of money in bandwidth.

Every single “want” that we want, there will always be someone in this world that don’t want it. And for every single “don’t want” that we don’t want, there will always be someone in this world that want it. How the hell can be world be perfect?

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Smoking Versus Dota. Which One Better?

Playing Dota Smoking
You are stressed the whole game. Smoking reduces stress.
You get frustrated when you get killed, losing or your teammate is a noob. Smoking let you calm down and relax.
You get tired after playing. You feel more energetic after smoking,
Your winning/enjoyment rely on your teammate. You can enjoy smoking alone.
You waste 1 hour per game. It takes only 2 minutes.
You need to master 70+ heroes, 60+ items, 200+ spells & magics, etc. You only need to know how to suck and blow.

Oh My Goodness, I'm gonna switching to smoking!
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How A Conman Scam You? And How You Can Avoid From Be Their Victim!

Conman means cheater or swindler. They're famous with scamming others for their benefits. Everyday you open your newspaper, you will see an article " A victim of Conman " . They're stupid enough to believe conmans. Their story almost same.

They received a SMS claiming that they have won a RM50,000 prize. If the amount of money too big, it will hard to convincing the victim. If too small it cannot generate enough of temptation. Now the victim is too excited and call back the sender to make sure he/she really won the big prize. Conman use few sorts of psychology like use sales technique, feng shui talk, attractive word to bring you to Heaven. Conman then said they need to get RM5000 (insurances, processing fee etc etc) to give you the prize.

The victim then online the money to Conman's bank account and now they waiting for their money. You should know now who is the lucky man to get the money ! They happy and bring their families eat in Secret Recipe and bring their friends along to sing Karaoke in Red Box because he is going to be rich. He keep checking his account either he get the money or not. He checked it everyday. After few weeks, he called back the conman but failed. Described as the SIM card have been closed.

He report to police and the police tell the reporter. The reporter make this news on the next day. This case is repeat and repeat again. The newspaper never learned this lesson. Furthermore, the person who get conned mostly is educated person like university graduate, PhDs, lawyers, manager, businessman and etc etc. They're told by the not educated person not to believe this such thing. It will drive up their ego to prove them won't be scam because they think they're smart.

They are examples of " Pain and Pleasure ".
Pain and Pleasure means people will do anything to stay away from pain. The money act as Pleasure and get con or not getting any money act as Pain.


- If you're really the winner, why didn't they call you instead of playing SMS?

-Why they didn't mention your name in SMS since they knew you're the winner

-If you really need to pay processing fee,insurances etc etc for RM5000. Why don't you call them to deduct your money reward from RM50,000 to RM45,000?

So now you have learn a lesson from this post. Don't let me see you appear as a con victim in newspaper. =D

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Streamyx Rocks (3)

Aiyo....The picture freaking blur. Nevermind. Let me tell you my speed test to Penang Server.

Download : 437 kbps / Upload : 65 kbps

That is the lowest speed I get from TM-Nut. I'm packaging a 1024kbps speed, they give me even lower than 512kbps speed for me and the horribly 65 upload speed.

TM-Net already know that they have a slow connection to international websites. This is nothing new to them. It is not a secret, not a surprise and not a special case to them anymore! The manager knew it, the tauke knew it, the CEO knew it, the technician knew it. There are millions of complaints they get everyday and receives more than thousand calls from customers for slow connection.

What do they answer us when we complain about slow connection? Your spliter spoilt, you're using torrents. They blame us back for using torrents and etc. They also had promised us to give a bandwith we pay for and they providing it. Now I'm paying for RM88 for 1024kbps but I get 437 kbps. It much slower than RM66 package!

They have no resolution and they always solved it by luck. They used local bandwidth test to test our speed. The telephone operators also well done and always get rid from complaints. You will listen " Kami sedang mengalami gangguan line di Mentakab...". That just a another lie from Streamyx. They promise us to do something but nothing at all in the end. I hope they will allocate the money we gave them to upgrade their speed and connection.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx because he is too tired
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Don't Raise The Police Salary. It Will Just Increase Corruption!

Bribe, bribe and bribe. Now policeman even richer than Bill Gates. We bribed them much alot in one days. And to prevent this bribe case, goverment chose to raise their salaries. No! It will make him greedier. If now his salary is RM1000 and you bribe him for RM10, he will be happy. If Government raise it to RM1800, RM10 no longer look tasty to them.

They don't want Milo already. After raised, they need a bottle of Ribena! Now they need minimum RM20. Why? A big risk will get a higher reward. Don't undertsand? Let me explain.

Receiving bribe is a illegal and they everyday do so. They are taking the risk now. What risk? Risk against losing their job, losing their salary. When salary is RM1000, risk is small. When RM1800, the risk bigger. So they need a bigger reward to back up this risk. The bigger risk, the bigger bribe amount.

A " tiada pangkat " policeman can be bribe in RM10, but inspector at least RM50. To make sure we can continue bribe police in RM10, please don't make any decision to raise police salary in future.

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Streamyx Rocks! (2)

This is the sequel post to Streamyx Rocks! Last time I decided to stop complaining Streamyx since they gave me a heaven connection. But however, there is a limit time for that. A 1024kbps turn to be 512kbps. Wow! A heaven connection of mine turned to hell connection. Load to wikipedia slow like siao.

A wikipedia page less than 50kb isn't it. 1024kbps modem should load it less than a second. But it like takes forever loading. I finish eating my nasi lemak and up leveling my maple character and the wikipedia still in loading process.

1024kbps? My ass! And one thing is the speedometer tools in Streamyx official website, that tool is just a lie from Streamyx. The reason is to get rid from the Streamyxer that having a slow connection.

Don't believe? I think use http://www.speedtest.net/ to test your Streamyx speed is enough. Please test your speed in outside server of Malaysia. If you test it in Malaysia, your speed sure as fast as lightning. I repeat again, test your speed to outside of Malaysia. You will open your big eyes and see how " fast " Streamyx is.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx so that he can LIVE IN PEACE
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Junk E-Mails

Okay, Nowadays I think most of you get some annoying emails right? Some about hotmail and yahoo too crowded and called you to send it to 20 people. If you didn't do as they say, your account will be permanent ban. Do you all believe that? If you do, you're an idiotic.

I read all the message and all is by " The Director of Hotmail, Aaron Lopez ". What the hell this important message's font so colourful. And the font big like hell. No Hotmail logo. And who the hell is Aaron Lopez? Aaron Ah Pek? Whatever what he calls, he is a jerk. Try to search Aaron Lopez in Google. There are no such person. Wait. There is a link about him, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Lopez

He is dead for a long time. He is a Jewish merchant not a Hotmail Director. And one more thing is, I think I didn't send those message to 20 of my friends and my my Hotmail account still not yet ban? That is just joke from craps.

Okay, now the second type of junk emails. About some scarier thing. The message similar to this..

" I am the Wasabi Monster. I like to eat humans. But now I want to keep fit and I don't want to hurt anyone of you during this period because I wanna to be fit as Andrew. Send this to 15 people so I won't eat you. If you don't do what as I say, you will die in my spicy hand. Muahahaha"

Don't believe that I existed in this world?

Don't be like Lemon. He thought this a joke from some jerks. He didn't send it to his friends. One night, I force him eat my spicy and irritating wasabi. He ate it until he is dead.

Don't be like Cindy. She only send it to 10 of her friends. That not enough. I killed her and put some wasabi in her mouth.Make her corpse more smelly. "

This is written by me. But I didn't send it to anyone. I just post it in my blog. Do you believe that? Why Lemon didn't appear in newspaper due to eating wasabi until die. That's all false. None of that is true. Understand now? Those messages are just joking around. Investigate it before you believe it.
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