Challenging Your Thoughts. Right and Wrong

2009 is quite confusing year for me. A lot of weird thoughts conquer my mind and might eventually make me crazy for thinking too much. Luckily I noticed the mental hospital just few km from Mentakab.

The Monk and The Butcher

A monk and a butcher satys together in a same room. They're just roommates. They stay together as best friends. If monk wake up earlier, he will wake up the butcher too. If butcher wake up earlier, he will wake up the monk instead. So time flies and one day they're dead. The monk was sent to HELL and the butcher is sent to HEAVEN! Why?

Because the monk wake up the butcher to go for KILLING everyday (bad deed) while the butcher wake up the monk to PRAY everyday (good deed)

Emperor Qin

Almost everyone want to kill Qin Shi Huang because he is a brutal leader. They call him the bad guy. Tony Leung Chiu Wai, who play the top assassin in the movie Hero, break through all the defense barrier of Emperor Qin until the final (like Lee Chong Wei playing badminton entering final with Lin Dan), placing his “ parang knife ” (it is really a parang if you watch the movie) on the neck of Emperor Qin. He can just chop his head down like a coconut but at that moment, he got some realization. He didn’t kill him and left. He said, “One shouldn’t kill Emperor Qin”. (I hope Lee Chong Wei won’t say “ One shouldn’t beat Lin Dan ”)

Why? He might be a “ bad ” guy but he united the whole China under him and ended the war and ends the people suffering of the long war. If Qin is killed, people will need to suffer in war again.

Freedom And Democrazy

We all want freedom. But think about it, if everyone has freedom, then we really don’t have any freedom! If everyone can do what they want to do, how on earth can you feel safe! If you let your kids to decide if they want to go to school, all of them will say NO. And school can close shop without H1N1. If you ask the adult if they want to work, all of them will say NO too. If you ask the people if government should pay every citizen RM5,000 monthly, all of them will say YES. “Freedom” on highway with no speed limit? You dare to use the highway anymore?

And you think democrazy is right for everyone, right for every country? Look at Thailand, look at Philippines. Too much freedom and too democracy are crazy. Something that work in a country might not work well in another.You can’t give freedom to everyone. No freedom = prison. Too much freedom = crazy. We can only give half freedom.

Should We Try To Change People?

If we think something is “right”, should we convince people on it and make people think the way we think? If we think something is “wrong”, should we tell other people? This is an important question for everyone to ask themselves. It is also the the biggest challenge to religions.

When I blog, I am LOUD and BOLD. But if I see you in person, I rarely rarely rarely rarely will talk about this. I don’t even talk much to my parents about this nowadays. Because this thing will just make you an “unfriendly creature”.

My point of guidance is simple ( that I learn from reading newspaper! ahh, sometimes “ Newspaper is better than what we expected " ), you can try to change people, but you need to make sure you don’t piss people off! If you are sensing anger out of the fella, you better stop ( including your mum! ). Let them stay the way they wants. Don’t make people angry and unhappy.

There is also no need to get angry when something you expected happen. “ See, ask you not to drive so fast, now accident already lor ”. “ See, ask you not to eat KFC so much, now got cancer already lor ”… People, no matter they listen or not, no matter the do the “ right ” or the “ wrong ” thing will suffer all the consequences as a cause and effect. It is their path whether it is their choice or not. A guy who has lung cancer might already been enjoying smoking for 30 plus years and he may thinks the pleasure for so long is worth it! Maybe for them to live until 100 years old without cigarettes is more suffering.

Soldiers And Villagers ( Potato People? )

The soldiers are chasing for the runaways villagers. They have killed almost all of them in the village, the ‘lucky’ ones managed to escape and hide in a cave nearby. The soldiers are still searching nearby. One of the baby keeps crying! He is ‘innocent’ but his crying will get everyone killed including his mum and dad! What should his mum and dad do? If you are one of the villager, what do you do? If you are one of the villager and your wife and you mum and your dad and your 12 kids and your 108 year-old grandma and your mother-in-law is with you, WHAT DO YOU DO? To kill the baby, or not to kill the baby? 1 dies or 30 die? Or we have no right to kill no matter what, even we will be killed?

If You Kill Yourself And Can Save Other Men's Life

If there is a gun and you point it to your head and pull the trigger and you can save a stranger life, will you do it? What if it is your mum, or your kids? What if it is not 1 stranger but 10 strangers? What if it is 100 strangers? 1,000? 1 million?!

Will You Eat Cockroach?

People in “ fear factor ” eat a lot of cockroaches. But will you do that? Some people eat cockroach without you asking because they say it tastes good! What if I pay you RM10 to eat a cockroach? You might not be interested but the beggar might do it, for him eating cockroach is nothing but RM10 is a big thing. What if it is RM100? RM1,000? RM1 million? I WILL EAT ONE and I don’t know about you. Every value has a price.

Your Baby So Cute Lar..

Do you say “Your baby is so cute!” or do you say “Your baby look like a orang utan?” when indeed it look like a orang utan?

Claiming Warranty

“ Was it strike by thunder? ”
“ No ar, I don’t think so. I always unplug the wire one wor. ”

“ Did you wet it?”
“ No ar, this morning trying to turn it on already like this. ”

“ Did you drop it on the floor? ”
“ No ar! I open the box it is already like this. ”

Should We Sent Him To Police Station?

If you catch a thieve, will you send him to the police or let him go? The theive recognize your face (and your wife, your daughter and your baby). He knows where you live and tell you that, one day he is going to come back to you. If you are heroism where everything must be ‘white white white’ type of guy, you will send him to the police. But what after that? Will you be wondering is you house still safe? Is he coming back? Why your wife haven’t come back yet …

If You Eat Pig, If You Slaughter A Cow

If you are a muslim and there is no food for days but only pork, and you have wife and kids with you, do you eat? Do you let your kids eat? If you are a Hinduism and a cow is the only food you have for the entire village, do you slaughter it? If you are a Buddishm who can’t kill and there is a lion chasing after a group of shool kids, can you kill the lion?

What Happens In The End?

At the end, life is so fucking challenging. We all seems to be so confuse in this world and we have to make all sort of decisions everyday that we don’t know if it is right or wrong. Andrew is getting like a bullshitter nowadays.
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