Short Post : My Wish....

First, I just wanna to be Susan Boyle. Singing "I Dreamed A Dream" in front of millions of audience

Second, I just want to own a R-35. Racing around with street racer.

Third, I just wanna be like Lebron James. Enter the magazine cover and holding a chick like she's mine.

Fourth, I just wanna this...

Tell me I'm not greedy,eh.

Don't look down at them. They can even wink better than me. I nearly shocked by them.
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2 Response to "Short Post : My Wish...."

  1. kidtose Says:
    July 19, 2009 at 7:10 PM

    u so greddy

  2. Andrew says:
    July 20, 2009 at 5:55 PM


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