Interview For A Job

At first, you browse around newspaper classified section looking for numbers or emails like you’re wandering around dating websites.

Then, you send in your CV after modifying it for the sixth time, but you are not sure is the letter going to be read or not. It just like you're writing the love letters.

In the interview, you’re meeting the stranger sitting in front of you for the first time, but you’re willing to tell him/her everything about yourself.

Expert says you have about 30 seconds to make the very important first-impression, but what they didn’t mention is that you have the next half an hour to screw up that fake image.

9 out of 10 interviewers can’t pronounce your name properly through out the interview, but you go on without feeling disrespect.

You had already written all the answers for the first 5 questions in your CV, but strange, you had to repeat the answers verbally, again and again.

You think listing your blog address in the CV makes you look cool and the interviewer will know more about your speciality. But sadly, the question you get about a blog is: “Do you own a blog?”

Looking for a job?

Enjoy the process, coz it’s pretty much like having a date with your love-at-first-sight.

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6 Response to "Interview For A Job"

  1. Jason Says:
    July 5, 2009 at 9:39 PM

    it's like u interviw for job before

  2. Andrew says:
    July 6, 2009 at 9:22 PM

    Nope, just imagine the process and write my imagination in the blog. That's all. =D

  3. Anonymous Says:
    July 8, 2009 at 7:31 PM

    Zzz... You're so damn free... Why don't you just concentrate on your studies instead of writing these craps. (Well.. Not that i ever study) Anyway I'm just too free... Don't compare me with you..

  4. Andrew says:
    July 8, 2009 at 7:34 PM

    I'm interested in writing blog instead of reading text books. If you too free, go ahead and study now before your mother kick your butt

  5. Anonymous Says:
    July 10, 2009 at 12:44 PM

    I don't think my mother will kick my butt. What could possibly happen is that I'll be prohibited from using this PC until the exam is over... Since you're so interested in blogging why don't you make it as your job? You know you can get paid for doing things like this....

  6. Andrew says:
    July 10, 2009 at 12:46 PM

    I can't. I'm not a good blogger. Blogging just to kill my free time.

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