
Nowadays, roti names getting weird and weird. When I'm still a small chubby kid, I have only saw Roti Canai, Roti Prata and Roti Telur. Today, there is a Roti I Love You.

I guess after Wawasan 2020, there will be Roti Divorce, Roti I Hate You, Roti Will You Marry Me? All for RM 3.00

Lets guess the roti look.....

It looks tas...tyy?
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Shocked! An Old Man Died From Masturbating


Shocked, absolutely shocked! An old man died from masturbating. As reported, he is a Singaporean. He died from heart failure due to his dick stuck in a soft drink. He is 77 years old and used a soft drink bottle to masturbate.

His neighbour got his private part into the bottle and only sought help after his penis could not be dislodged from the bottle despite trying various ways such as applying soap water, reported by China Press. The doctor try to stop his suffer by cutting the bottle neck. Unfortunately, his dick skin had started to become inflamed, causing him unable to urinate. Eww~

This later led to other medical complications causing his death. Here is what I want to warn you, if your dick not small enough to go through the bottle, please don't use any bottle to masturbate.
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Google Toolbar

Since Google Toolbar is free search engine, provides a lot of features such as spell checking, ad blocking, auto form filling, etc, many people will not hesitate to install it. Every toolbar installed into your computer is actually a spy from Google. It allows Google to know everything that you do with your browser including what site you have visited, how long you stay there, how frequent you visit the site, what are you searching on the Internet, etc.

In other words, it is exactly what Adware/Spyware do. Adware/Spyware are software that advertisers put on your computer to spy on what you are doing with your computer so they can serve you for better ads. For example, if you are searching for cameras and your computer is infected by spyware, there are high chances that you will see a lot of camera ads even in other non-related sites. Even worst, you might receive SPAM regarding camera ads.

Did you know what is Top 10 downloads in It is Adware Remover software which get ranked 3 currently. Muahaha

However, adware removers will not remove your Google Toolbar because it is not identified as Adware. Why? Because Google Toolbar are not using those information to serve you ads (directly), or steal your email address. But the way it track for user behaviour (sites he visits, what he is searching for, etc) is no different than an adware/spyware. In other words, Google Toolbar are observing you, like your neighbour who long-necked watching your every move!
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rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Prostitution ( Note : Don't Think To Other Direction )

There is a magazine post a prostitute information today. I can't tell you the magazine name because they have bribe me. They're promoting and advertising the prostitution service today.
For people who not to dare try the chicken like you and me, today M have fully guided you to the prostitution.

They have search the street and shop through a map. Maybe Google Map. If you want to know which job in what street, just go and call M. There is a hotline for them. This is funny. The market price also same as my town foot massage price. They have a standardized market price to prevent ugly competition like Digi with Maxis (Digi advertisement music: “I will follow you…” actually Digi want to tell maxis, I will follow your price cut no matter where you go!)

As you know, the prostitute are not Mat Salleh and definitely not Hong Kong Beauty Pagent. As I know most of them are aunties imported from Indonesia. If you see the picture inside the M, you will see a corridor full with opened-rooms. This is Direct Sale, not need to deal with marketing salesman.

Now, I only know our Malaysia don't allow prostitution because it is against their religion. Maybe as well as mine. Do you know, politician is the 2nd oldest job. Politicians are people who lead people and have more power among their group of people. I think it is correct because when we watch movies that talk about the old time (China Qin Dynasty, The Greece), they are usually war movies where the kings and generals (the politicians) talk about wars. Even there are kings and politicians in Lord of the Rings! And like me, I always lead my friends to wrong way. So politician is the second oldest career in the history

So, what is the 1st oldest job. Yes, yes. It is prostitute. It does exist since a long ago. Since BC. Before the Monkey King is sent to the world. Even farmers becoming lesser than the stone age. But prostitute still doing well today.

Okay. Lets go to Form 3 Reproduction. As our Pn.Koh say, how to make more humans. That time I asking myself. Now only I know. It is a male gamete when fertilise a female gamete. 1 sperm + 1 ovum = 1human. But unfortunately, our school didn't teach us how to transfer the sperm to the ovum. How a sperm suddenly find a ovum? The study material still doesn't satisfy us, according to my interviewing with my friend, finally I have knew it after my friend tell me.

But if there are no prostitution, I guess there are more people get raped. The rapist can't control their sex desire. There are some people who born with a hippo looks but God give him a normal sex drive. Which girl are willing to marry her? Don't tell me that a female hippo will. Prostitute will help them. They are not greedy and don’t need a Hong Kong pageant, they just want to adjust their biological hormones. Do you know, if a man didn't xxx whole life, there is a risk they will get AIDS or cancer.

Some people are enjoying my bull-shits today but some who is well-educated person doesn't enjoy and want to against my view. They will say something, " Prostitute is unethical, God forbid it". " People should control their sex desire ".

I know! I agree! But you think everyone in this world is as well educated as you ar (or hold strong religion like you ar)? Or more sarcastically, you think everyone is lucky as you, who happens to born in better family, have better school, have better financial situation and have a wife willing to marry you? There are children who parents died or dumped them at young age. There are children who have 15 brothers and sisters which have no attention and love from their parents and no money to buy school uniform. They don't grow up normally and most of them don’t even go to school, how can you expect them to think more logically and ethic like you.

( This post is getting long )

Do you know some countries like Singapore have actually legalized prostitution? Yes! If you are a prostitute and when you fill up a form, you can write you Prostitute job in the occupation field. Cool right? And of course, the bad thing is you got to pay tax. You also got to make sure you are clean because every 3 months you will have to do a body check up to make sure you aren’t carrying any STD (Sex Transmitted Disease).

What is good about legalizing prostitution?

- Government have control. They have the statistics and most important, they can get the Tax ($$$).

- Customer feel more safe since a prostitute can show him her recent body check-up record.

- The sex demand always get balanced up by the supply and reduced woman being raped.

People always do things without really thinking the reason behind it. Why people want to stop prostitution? Because they say it is bad? But how?

Just ignoring the prostitution. You don’t need to support nor you need to fight against it, just ignore it unless you don’t know how to spend your RM30. Muahahaha.
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Respect To KL People. WoW!

I live in a kampung called Mentakab where we only have 100,000 people like that. But KL have over millions of people. Last month I often visit to KL. I am observing the people life there. A lot of unbearable things that seems unbearable to me are acceptable to KL people. Lets see.

1. Traffic Jam

It is common to see traffic jam in KL. There are all busy roads. They usually have to drive 1 hour to work and 1 hour back from work. There 2 hours wasted in a car. It is a scary number if you multiplied it with the number of people driving everyday.

2. Carry Labtop Wherever They Go

KL is a popular place for labtop thieves. Leaving your labtop in your car is unsafe too. Your car's windows will be break. You can see a lot of people carrying their labtop anywhere even when they're shitting in public toilet.

3. Paying Parking Fee

Parking everywhere cost money. Parking at KLCC can cost more than RM10! Parking outdoor at Bukit Bintang area is RM5 on weekdays and RM7 on weekends. Parking fee at Mid Valley is now per hour basis instead of per entry. And more scary, parking at night at some places that should be free are now required to pay as well because the heavily-tattooed guard will tell you, “We take care of your car and make sure no one will scratch your car”.

4. Paying A Lot of Tolls

We must thanks alot to Sammy Vellu our Minister of Tolls. Even when we U-Turn at some roads need to give tolls fee. From KL back to Mentakab have to pay 3-4 tolls.

5. Queuing Buying Cinema Tickets

KL has the biggest cinemas and yet people have to queue so long for the tickets. The KLCC queuing line is especially shocking to me where the cinema waiting area can be full of queued up people waiting to buy their tickets. Some people even sleep at there.

6. Sense of Direction

My father always get lost. But all people that living in KL have memorize all the roads, streets, shopping mall direction.

Here is why I love Mentakab. Not much people carrying their notebook. Parking fees is free of charge. There is no toll in Mentakab. The taxi price also fixed.

The last time I wanted to go to KLCC, the two jagung were very big and near to me. My father made a bad turning and we lost until the jagung were missing from my eyesight. That’s KL.

But don’t feel disappointed if you are a KL people, because Streamyx in Mentakab is as damned as yours.

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Why Am I Lazy?

Talk about lazy, everybody loves to be lazy. Do you prefer to sit there around dreaming or you like to do all sorts of homeworks teacher gave you. No doubt, most of you lazy fellow would choose sit and dream rather than doing all homeworks that teacher gave you. Like what I’m doing right now, I have homeworks piling up, yet I’m sitting in front of my computer, blogging.

Lazy is something comfortable. Imagine that you are sitting on a Ogawa chair, watching television. You would just snooze off. I just love to sleep, everybody love to sleep. Who don't like to sleep? Sometimes, it was just too lazy to get out from my bed.

Sometimes, we are lazy to do something we really hate to do. Homework is a good example. If you like to do something that you hate to do, I can say it you're weirdo. My laziness is uncontrolable, uncurable, unstoppable. I love lazy. I'm lazy, lazy is me.
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Andrew Science Blog Chapter 4 : Reproduction

After finishing lesson on Science Form3, Chapter 4 : Reproduction, I'm just wondering how if I'm a girl. But this doesn't mean I want to be agua or something related about changing my xiaodidi to xiaomeimei. This is the things what I learnt from the chapter. So anything wrong please tell me.

If I'm a girl, I sure have breasts. I just wonder how does it feel when the two things in front of your chest. Bouncing when you're exercising. Is it hard to wear a bra. The size of breasts also seems to be so sensitive to girls.

What about when you're urinating or we can call it as pee-ing. I'm not longer standing and pee. Next, being a pretty girl. If it's my luck to be pretty, I wonder how does it feel when those guys staring at you no wonder where you go. They like to stare at pretty girls.

Ohh... this is what I learn. Menstrual cycle. What I know they will have a pain every month. Listen..EVERY MONTH!! They have to suffer from pain. Just like the girls in my class. She just have the period few days ago. She just shouting she is very 'pain'. And she gone to a..itchy girl and start making the 'siao' sound. Just god damn her. Perhaps, she didn't wear any sanitary pads.

Then, I will have to study the rights of girls. Being a boy, they can touch other boys as they like. If some boys touch me, I can report it to a police for sexual abusing. if the girls touch there and here to a guy? Can the guy report police for sexual abusing? I think it possible for LKC.

Something that must be consider. As a girl, they should take care their hairs on head,armpit or else where. Apply some lotions onto your skin, use Pantene to wash your hair and whatever.

Man have a chance to convert himself to a girl. But for me, I will choose no. It seems tough to be a girl. I wonder why LKC chose to be a girl.
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Commenting Is Now Enabled

Blog commenting is enabled back. Last time, I changed few template until the comments system is deleted and I hardly find a way to restoring it back. By this few hours focusing to this, the comment is enable once again. Now you can insult me or praise me as you like. Passbyer is welcome. Haters is welcome. Lovers is welcome.

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Finally I Owned A PenDrive

Just a pendrive. Not weird at all. My pendrive not the rare one, not the special one. It is just a normal pendrive. Maybe it just same like yours. I'm just too happy to own a pendrive. In the previous time, I'm just depend on my friends' pendrive. Take a look on my pendrive.
Just a normal Kingston DataTraveler 101 4GB. Bought at Temerloh PC-Fair.
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11th April : Bong's Birthday ; Loh YJ Birthday ( Few days before 11th )

I think I'm gonna fat this time.

I'm wondering what they're wishing. But I guess....

Bong : I wish I could get many many Airsoft guns.
Loh YJ : I wish I could get 8As in my PMR.

This is just prediction made by Andrew

Playing C.S.O

An idiot acted like a Samurai. ( He is too fat to be )

I just wondering what is he doing. Like begging for life.

As usual, he is flirting girls. Makes boys jealous.

An idiot versus an idiot. Who will win?
( By insulting them as an idiotic, I'm guess I will be kill in schoolday )
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How To Trick People To Do What You Want Them To Do By Giving Them ‘Choices’

Have you ever wonder why a insurance agent or salesman always ask you for a meeting eventhough you not really want to go because you know their motive is to sell you something.

They won't ask you, " Are you free for dinner tonight? ". If they do so, you can answer it by either " Yeah, I'm free for dinner so you can steal my money form my wallet" or you will ( probably most people answer this ), " Sorry, I'm not free [ have to wake up early tomorrow] [ I sicked] [ I need to do my works] [ I'm full and need to rest] ". Most people including you are talented liar.

But a smart salesman didn't ask you, " Are you free for dinner tonight". They will ask you " When we gonna have a dinner? Tonight or tomorrow? ". Now you need to answer him logically. You will figuring will you have time for dinner tonight or tomorrow. You will choose the best answer, tomorrow night. You answer unwillingly to him " Tomorrow night lar " and hang up the phone. You're just wondering why are you seeing the guy who want the money from you.

This is the trick. If you want someone to do something that you want them to do, just give them 2 choices which either one is also what you want.


Your mother ask you, " Do you want to sweep the floor or you want to clear the rubbish? " Hehe. Either one is your mother want you to do. Pick any of the answer, you fall into her tricks.

Your discipline teacher look at your fashioned-hair. He ask you, " You want me to cut it or you want to cut it yourself? ". You pick either one, you fall into his tricks.
Now, instead of giving them first choice or second choice where both also what you want, you can give them first choice and second choice where the first choice is you want them to do while the second choice is terribly ridiculous or doesn't make any sense to be chosen. Or simply the second choice looks worst den first choice.


You fear your son will ask you for RM100 angpao for this coming Chinese New Year but you want to save the money and give him RM20. You can ask him, " Son, you want RM20 or RM2 for this Chinese New Year? ".

You go and eat chao-kuey-teow. The person ask you either you want 1 egg or 2 eggs. Then your brain start to think, " 1 egg seems enough for me ". Then you say one and you fall into his tricks. He just want to charge you more 50 cents.

Other Examples

- Your boss, "Can you finish this for me today or tomorrow?"

(actually you can request to finish by next week)

- Your wife, "Are you going to buy me LV or Prada?"
(actually you can request to buy a cheaper Guess bag or a pasar malam pirated LV)

- Your father, "Do you want me to beat you on your hand or your butt?"
(actually you can request not to be beaten, you can choose to wash your father car)

- Your friend when you don’t want to go happy hour with them, "Come on! Are we friend or are we not friend?"
(actually it is nothing about friend or not friend, you can always choose to go home)

- Buying at a shop, "You give me 20% discount or 30% discount?"

- Jesus, "Do you want to got to hell or heaven?"
(actually …)

- Asking your girlfriend, "You want to watch King Kong or Lord of the Rings?"

(actually you want to make sure your girlfriend don’t say Harry Potter)

- Salesman, "Do you want to buy one box or three boxes?"
(actually you don’t need to buy even 1 box!)

Heh, learn something from my post? I guess it will be.

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About Me Vs About Steve

Steve Pavlina which is still considered as a popular blogger. I have view his blog and I get some interesting word in "About Me".

In later years he founded a successful software company, developed award-winning computer games, ran the Los Angeles Marathon, trained in martial arts, and adopted a raw vegan diet.

If I write my "About Me", it will be like this.

Andrew is still under study and currently studying in second class in his school. He never get award from winning games and can't even win noobs in Dota after playing for one hour. He never join Merentas Desa in his school and runs slower than a small kid. He is trained in badminton but can't even stroke properly and lose to some small girls. He also maintain his balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Aiya..what a loser. I don't have his genetic.
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How Can We Live Happily In This World

This is the common question ask by us every time. How can we live happily in this world even we suffer. You must be flexible with everything. Flexible with the things you don't like, flexible with the things that oppose you.

We need to enlarge our heart to a biggest size, bigger then our ass. We must respects everything, accepts everything. You must not be angry no matter what.

It is okay if the driver in front you drive slowly. It is okay if your neighbour is Muslim or Hindusm. It is okay if they still singing loudly in late night. It is okay if someone insult you, talk bad about you. It is okay if someone is killing you! Although it is not logical, but try to imagine, just imagine if someone is really kill you and you're happy instead of get angry, how happy can you be while you're living.

The point is to see how much space you are going to give to people that are different than you. How much can you tolerate. (If you are a Muslim, can you tolerate people burning Al-Quran in front of you? If you are a Christian, can you tolerate someone burning Jesus picture in front of you? ). They can't really tolerate this. If you really stick to your religion, why are you angry. True! Why should you angry. They will go hell after that. God will blast them. God will do their job.

But I'm not telling you that let a rapist rape you tomorrow or let a terrorist kill you tomorrow. I am trying to tell you that if you can accept this things, your happiness will be maximum. People with this level can be happy even they suffer you. Maybe we don't need to get so extreme, we go on with half-extreme..or none extreme. We can't tolerate little things. Goverment sue Namewee for singing Negarakuku is a good example. He is singing the truth. Goverment should change themself to better instead of sue-ing there and here. Even I can't be in this level. I can't even tolerate some small things.

Your happiness doesn’t require any requirements and criteria. You no longer need things and people to be the way you want them to be. Enjoy your life.
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Shame On Streamyx

Sorry Google. Shame on Streamyx. The sucks connection that provided by Streamyx make Google logos unable to load.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx due to his sick of Streamyx
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