Why Am I Lazy?

Talk about lazy, everybody loves to be lazy. Do you prefer to sit there around dreaming or you like to do all sorts of homeworks teacher gave you. No doubt, most of you lazy fellow would choose sit and dream rather than doing all homeworks that teacher gave you. Like what I’m doing right now, I have homeworks piling up, yet I’m sitting in front of my computer, blogging.

Lazy is something comfortable. Imagine that you are sitting on a Ogawa chair, watching television. You would just snooze off. I just love to sleep, everybody love to sleep. Who don't like to sleep? Sometimes, it was just too lazy to get out from my bed.

Sometimes, we are lazy to do something we really hate to do. Homework is a good example. If you like to do something that you hate to do, I can say it you're weirdo. My laziness is uncontrolable, uncurable, unstoppable. I love lazy. I'm lazy, lazy is me.
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