Prostitution ( Note : Don't Think To Other Direction )

There is a magazine post a prostitute information today. I can't tell you the magazine name because they have bribe me. They're promoting and advertising the prostitution service today.
For people who not to dare try the chicken like you and me, today M have fully guided you to the prostitution.

They have search the street and shop through a map. Maybe Google Map. If you want to know which job in what street, just go and call M. There is a hotline for them. This is funny. The market price also same as my town foot massage price. They have a standardized market price to prevent ugly competition like Digi with Maxis (Digi advertisement music: “I will follow you…” actually Digi want to tell maxis, I will follow your price cut no matter where you go!)

As you know, the prostitute are not Mat Salleh and definitely not Hong Kong Beauty Pagent. As I know most of them are aunties imported from Indonesia. If you see the picture inside the M, you will see a corridor full with opened-rooms. This is Direct Sale, not need to deal with marketing salesman.

Now, I only know our Malaysia don't allow prostitution because it is against their religion. Maybe as well as mine. Do you know, politician is the 2nd oldest job. Politicians are people who lead people and have more power among their group of people. I think it is correct because when we watch movies that talk about the old time (China Qin Dynasty, The Greece), they are usually war movies where the kings and generals (the politicians) talk about wars. Even there are kings and politicians in Lord of the Rings! And like me, I always lead my friends to wrong way. So politician is the second oldest career in the history

So, what is the 1st oldest job. Yes, yes. It is prostitute. It does exist since a long ago. Since BC. Before the Monkey King is sent to the world. Even farmers becoming lesser than the stone age. But prostitute still doing well today.

Okay. Lets go to Form 3 Reproduction. As our Pn.Koh say, how to make more humans. That time I asking myself. Now only I know. It is a male gamete when fertilise a female gamete. 1 sperm + 1 ovum = 1human. But unfortunately, our school didn't teach us how to transfer the sperm to the ovum. How a sperm suddenly find a ovum? The study material still doesn't satisfy us, according to my interviewing with my friend, finally I have knew it after my friend tell me.

But if there are no prostitution, I guess there are more people get raped. The rapist can't control their sex desire. There are some people who born with a hippo looks but God give him a normal sex drive. Which girl are willing to marry her? Don't tell me that a female hippo will. Prostitute will help them. They are not greedy and don’t need a Hong Kong pageant, they just want to adjust their biological hormones. Do you know, if a man didn't xxx whole life, there is a risk they will get AIDS or cancer.

Some people are enjoying my bull-shits today but some who is well-educated person doesn't enjoy and want to against my view. They will say something, " Prostitute is unethical, God forbid it". " People should control their sex desire ".

I know! I agree! But you think everyone in this world is as well educated as you ar (or hold strong religion like you ar)? Or more sarcastically, you think everyone is lucky as you, who happens to born in better family, have better school, have better financial situation and have a wife willing to marry you? There are children who parents died or dumped them at young age. There are children who have 15 brothers and sisters which have no attention and love from their parents and no money to buy school uniform. They don't grow up normally and most of them don’t even go to school, how can you expect them to think more logically and ethic like you.

( This post is getting long )

Do you know some countries like Singapore have actually legalized prostitution? Yes! If you are a prostitute and when you fill up a form, you can write you Prostitute job in the occupation field. Cool right? And of course, the bad thing is you got to pay tax. You also got to make sure you are clean because every 3 months you will have to do a body check up to make sure you aren’t carrying any STD (Sex Transmitted Disease).

What is good about legalizing prostitution?

- Government have control. They have the statistics and most important, they can get the Tax ($$$).

- Customer feel more safe since a prostitute can show him her recent body check-up record.

- The sex demand always get balanced up by the supply and reduced woman being raped.

People always do things without really thinking the reason behind it. Why people want to stop prostitution? Because they say it is bad? But how?

Just ignoring the prostitution. You don’t need to support nor you need to fight against it, just ignore it unless you don’t know how to spend your RM30. Muahahaha.
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