Andrew Science Blog Chapter 4 : Reproduction

After finishing lesson on Science Form3, Chapter 4 : Reproduction, I'm just wondering how if I'm a girl. But this doesn't mean I want to be agua or something related about changing my xiaodidi to xiaomeimei. This is the things what I learnt from the chapter. So anything wrong please tell me.

If I'm a girl, I sure have breasts. I just wonder how does it feel when the two things in front of your chest. Bouncing when you're exercising. Is it hard to wear a bra. The size of breasts also seems to be so sensitive to girls.

What about when you're urinating or we can call it as pee-ing. I'm not longer standing and pee. Next, being a pretty girl. If it's my luck to be pretty, I wonder how does it feel when those guys staring at you no wonder where you go. They like to stare at pretty girls.

Ohh... this is what I learn. Menstrual cycle. What I know they will have a pain every month. Listen..EVERY MONTH!! They have to suffer from pain. Just like the girls in my class. She just have the period few days ago. She just shouting she is very 'pain'. And she gone to a..itchy girl and start making the 'siao' sound. Just god damn her. Perhaps, she didn't wear any sanitary pads.

Then, I will have to study the rights of girls. Being a boy, they can touch other boys as they like. If some boys touch me, I can report it to a police for sexual abusing. if the girls touch there and here to a guy? Can the guy report police for sexual abusing? I think it possible for LKC.

Something that must be consider. As a girl, they should take care their hairs on head,armpit or else where. Apply some lotions onto your skin, use Pantene to wash your hair and whatever.

Man have a chance to convert himself to a girl. But for me, I will choose no. It seems tough to be a girl. I wonder why LKC chose to be a girl.
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