How To Trick People To Do What You Want Them To Do By Giving Them ‘Choices’

Have you ever wonder why a insurance agent or salesman always ask you for a meeting eventhough you not really want to go because you know their motive is to sell you something.

They won't ask you, " Are you free for dinner tonight? ". If they do so, you can answer it by either " Yeah, I'm free for dinner so you can steal my money form my wallet" or you will ( probably most people answer this ), " Sorry, I'm not free [ have to wake up early tomorrow] [ I sicked] [ I need to do my works] [ I'm full and need to rest] ". Most people including you are talented liar.

But a smart salesman didn't ask you, " Are you free for dinner tonight". They will ask you " When we gonna have a dinner? Tonight or tomorrow? ". Now you need to answer him logically. You will figuring will you have time for dinner tonight or tomorrow. You will choose the best answer, tomorrow night. You answer unwillingly to him " Tomorrow night lar " and hang up the phone. You're just wondering why are you seeing the guy who want the money from you.

This is the trick. If you want someone to do something that you want them to do, just give them 2 choices which either one is also what you want.


Your mother ask you, " Do you want to sweep the floor or you want to clear the rubbish? " Hehe. Either one is your mother want you to do. Pick any of the answer, you fall into her tricks.

Your discipline teacher look at your fashioned-hair. He ask you, " You want me to cut it or you want to cut it yourself? ". You pick either one, you fall into his tricks.
Now, instead of giving them first choice or second choice where both also what you want, you can give them first choice and second choice where the first choice is you want them to do while the second choice is terribly ridiculous or doesn't make any sense to be chosen. Or simply the second choice looks worst den first choice.


You fear your son will ask you for RM100 angpao for this coming Chinese New Year but you want to save the money and give him RM20. You can ask him, " Son, you want RM20 or RM2 for this Chinese New Year? ".

You go and eat chao-kuey-teow. The person ask you either you want 1 egg or 2 eggs. Then your brain start to think, " 1 egg seems enough for me ". Then you say one and you fall into his tricks. He just want to charge you more 50 cents.

Other Examples

- Your boss, "Can you finish this for me today or tomorrow?"

(actually you can request to finish by next week)

- Your wife, "Are you going to buy me LV or Prada?"
(actually you can request to buy a cheaper Guess bag or a pasar malam pirated LV)

- Your father, "Do you want me to beat you on your hand or your butt?"
(actually you can request not to be beaten, you can choose to wash your father car)

- Your friend when you don’t want to go happy hour with them, "Come on! Are we friend or are we not friend?"
(actually it is nothing about friend or not friend, you can always choose to go home)

- Buying at a shop, "You give me 20% discount or 30% discount?"

- Jesus, "Do you want to got to hell or heaven?"
(actually …)

- Asking your girlfriend, "You want to watch King Kong or Lord of the Rings?"

(actually you want to make sure your girlfriend don’t say Harry Potter)

- Salesman, "Do you want to buy one box or three boxes?"
(actually you don’t need to buy even 1 box!)

Heh, learn something from my post? I guess it will be.

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