Respect To KL People. WoW!

I live in a kampung called Mentakab where we only have 100,000 people like that. But KL have over millions of people. Last month I often visit to KL. I am observing the people life there. A lot of unbearable things that seems unbearable to me are acceptable to KL people. Lets see.

1. Traffic Jam

It is common to see traffic jam in KL. There are all busy roads. They usually have to drive 1 hour to work and 1 hour back from work. There 2 hours wasted in a car. It is a scary number if you multiplied it with the number of people driving everyday.

2. Carry Labtop Wherever They Go

KL is a popular place for labtop thieves. Leaving your labtop in your car is unsafe too. Your car's windows will be break. You can see a lot of people carrying their labtop anywhere even when they're shitting in public toilet.

3. Paying Parking Fee

Parking everywhere cost money. Parking at KLCC can cost more than RM10! Parking outdoor at Bukit Bintang area is RM5 on weekdays and RM7 on weekends. Parking fee at Mid Valley is now per hour basis instead of per entry. And more scary, parking at night at some places that should be free are now required to pay as well because the heavily-tattooed guard will tell you, “We take care of your car and make sure no one will scratch your car”.

4. Paying A Lot of Tolls

We must thanks alot to Sammy Vellu our Minister of Tolls. Even when we U-Turn at some roads need to give tolls fee. From KL back to Mentakab have to pay 3-4 tolls.

5. Queuing Buying Cinema Tickets

KL has the biggest cinemas and yet people have to queue so long for the tickets. The KLCC queuing line is especially shocking to me where the cinema waiting area can be full of queued up people waiting to buy their tickets. Some people even sleep at there.

6. Sense of Direction

My father always get lost. But all people that living in KL have memorize all the roads, streets, shopping mall direction.

Here is why I love Mentakab. Not much people carrying their notebook. Parking fees is free of charge. There is no toll in Mentakab. The taxi price also fixed.

The last time I wanted to go to KLCC, the two jagung were very big and near to me. My father made a bad turning and we lost until the jagung were missing from my eyesight. That’s KL.

But don’t feel disappointed if you are a KL people, because Streamyx in Mentakab is as damned as yours.

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