
As I heard a news from radio last few days, our goverment started to complain about some people selfishly going to other country and work there. They also asked why they don't want to serve our own country? They say these people should be more patriotic.


1. Singapore give them scholarship so they don’t need to worry about money. They don’t need worry that PTPTN will reject his loan.

2. Singapore give them the exact course they want so they don’t need to worry that they can’t get into the course they want in Malaysia. Malaysia just randomly give them course. Some people want to study medicine but Malaysia put them to study engineering.

3. Although Singapore has only 2 universities, both of them are far better than ANY one in Malaysia. Malaysia's universities still under Top200. Singapore only have 2 universities and they ranked as follow - NUS (National University of Singapore) #12, NTU (Nanyang Technological University) #146. Anything for the Malaysians to be proud of?


Every year we have a lot of SPM straight A students complain that they cannot get into Medicine (doctor). The Goverment says that if they allow all straight A students to go into Medicine, then other student with poorer results will not be able to get into medicine.

Well getting straight A means they are the BEST students with the BEST brain and medicine is usually consider the BEST course ( and tough to study! ). What sense does it make when the BEST STPM students are not GUARANTEED by the government to take the BEST course? Then what is the point of having the exam at the first place?

These best brains are the one who will contribute the most to our country. They represent the future of Malaysia and they deserve top attention. They should be give power to choose what courses they want to take and not randomly pick-by-luck system like Gachapon in Maplestory.

Imagine what are the benefits we are getting by just focusing on keeping our BEST BRAINS from being stolen by Singapore! It won’t break the quota system even slightly because we are talking about the Top 1% people only. Apply the quota system to ordinary students like me!
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