Shittest Error
Imagine you are using the ugly Sand King in a dota game. You farm for 90 minutes until level 25 which make you so fat and scary. You are ready to show them your ugly face in a team battle. Your turn on your BKB, stun into the 5 enemy heroes and click your E-key to launch your 3rd level Ultimate. You shake your green tail for 2 seconds and start shaking the earth like hell. The 5 enemy heroes run like chickens away from you but unfortunately they can only crawl like a snail under your slow effect. They are in deep pain and waiting to die. While you are laughing your ass off waiting for TRIPLE KILL! Here is what you get instead.

This application has encountered a critical error:

This application has encountered a critical error:
FATAL ERROR! This is gonna to kill me.
June 1, 2009 at 12:57 PM
coz u're fighting wit aiplus
they scare die then they force the program to shutdown
June 1, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Really bo? Computer also scare die