Start To Eliminate

Don't worry. I'm not going to eliminate you because I'm not able to do so. It had been a while I didn't update my blog. I finally discover what thing should I do now. Its about my weird behaviour.

I'm kinda used to be like my mother. I don't really like to throw anything that is not needed anymore. I will hold on to everything. I kept all book references, kinder-garten storybooks, all letters from my fans and etc. I won't give it out to any people. Becuase I'm selfishly thinking " All of them is mine, not yours ". I also thought that I'm gonna use them someday.

But, my mum even better. She kept old shoes and old clothes that she no longer wear. She also didn't allow me to throw away my old mouse ( computer ) and a old keyboard. She also keep a lot of new bowls, cup and spoons in the cupboard for few years. Are they just for backup-ing? The later becomes never, the new always become old.

My grandmother (my mother’s mother) even better, she keeps chicken cages until today although she has not been raring chickens for decades. My mother is definitely her daughter.

My behaviour, used to be exactly like my mother and my grandmother. I even used to keep a lot of my childhood toys! Super yoyo, some kinda car toys.

Instead of hanging the things, I have to learn to let it go. I have sold some of my reference books to a newspaper collectors, so do the papers I kept. I were hanging on these books because I feel like they are my properties. I thought that one day I might need to read them again. But when I realized I no longer need them anymore, it was too late as the books were obsolete and the only meaningful thing to do is to sell them to old newspaper collector.

I also have the tendency to keep things very neatly. My room doesn’t look ‘pretty’ but it is extremely neat. If you rate a guy’s room, mine will be in top 1% in terms of tidyness. I can always find something easily because I simply don’t keep a lot of things.

Even my computer! I have all my filed arranged very nicely and I will delete everything that is not important. I delete emails after I read them too.

This is what I changed for now.
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