Want To See Ghosts But You Don't Know? Just 10 Simple Ways Will Help You To Gain A Sight To See Ghosts! But It Might Be Danger!

I'm just wanted get to sleep, but I'm thinking about a ghost movie entitled The Eye 10. It's about 10 ways to see ghost. The movie is just-so-call horror but it kinda funny for me. It rather like comedy movie than horror movie. I know some of you thinking " Bastard Andrew, just cut the crap and tell me how to see ghost ". Okay okay, here the 10 ways to see ghosts.

1. Cornea Transplant
If you transplant a cornea from dead people, you might gain a sight to see ghost.

2. Attempt Suicide
If a pregnant woman attempts suicide, she will see-ing a ghost. So, male only has 9 ways though...

3. Ouija Board
A common game to call a spirit. Some classmates of mine played this such game. But they kinda use coin and pen. But in this movie, they place a cup in a Thailand-version Ouija Board and the spirit will answer all your questions. See more in wikipedia

4. Play Hide and Seek In The Midnight
Do you dare? Just play hide and seek in a ghostly or haunted place like forest or cemetery. The ghost will join you and play with you. But the ghost is so tricky and 'it' will block the hider so the seeker couldn't find him/her. To seek him back, the seeker should use a black cat. The black cat will help find back the hider and you will see the ghost too. But how if the black cat die? -,-

5. Dirt Mask
Dig up some soil from dead man's grave and apply it to your eyes. It will surely surprise you.

6. Attracting Hungry Ghost
I laughing my ass off when I watching this part. When you want to attract hungry ghost, you must get ready the materials. Bowls, vhopstick and rice needed. Just bring those materials to a middle of street in midnight/night and tap the bowl. It will attract the hungry ghost and the hungry ghosts will come to you. About the funny part in the movie, one guy tap the bowl until the bowl breaks. Desperately, he use his chopsticks and tap his teeth, which has similiar sounds to the bowl taps.

7. Comb Your Hair In 0000
0000 is the international time for 12am which means midnight. Just comb your hair in front of the mirror and thinking which ghost you want to see. After you do this, you will see the ghost you desire.

8. Opening Umbrella Indoor
Open umbrella in any indoor such as your house, bus, etc. You will see ghost. My parent warns me before when I'm still a chubby kid. I act as Wong Fei Hung and playing with umbrella and I nearly opened my umbrella but it was stop by my dear parent. Phew~ It kinda taboo in our family.

9. Peek-A-Stoop
This might be real. Thailand believes that if you peek a stoop you will see the true form of ghost or a ghost. What is peek a stoop? You just look behind between your legs. Of course, you must bend down.

10. Act As Dead Man
Dress up like dead man and lay yourself in a coffin. You will go into the ghost world or commonly known as Hell? But I don't recommended this way because you might cannot get back from the Hell. The ghost in Hell will scare your breath and you FART.

I just following The Eye instructions. I don't know whether it is true or not. Oh yea, extra bonus and this is Urban Legend.

In the middle of night, just go to your toilet mirror and chanting "Bloody Mary" three times to one hundred times, a bloody girl will appear in the mirror. But as describe in the legend, she will scratch your eyes out and you will die. To prevent this happen, you need a mate to help you open the light, Bloody Mary will dissapear after that. More short stories at here
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