New Game Of The Century - Compare

Yes! I am making this post again. I have post this in my previous blog. So today I'm gonna publish it at this blog. I try to make this post more detailed than the previous one.

This photo is taken from a hotel at China. Oh~ Where is our Sabah and Sarawak gone? Where is the dog head ( Sarawak ) ? Why Malaysia has only potato left?

If our politicians see this, they would say, “It is OK to lost Sabah Sarawak because we are still better than Indonesia because they lost hell lots more islands then us!”

This is what our politicians do all the time. This is called the compare game. When there is something bad, they will compare it to something worse to make that thing ‘look’ good. When there is bocor (leakage), they say it is good because it didn’t runtuh (collapse).

But when it comes to self interest thing, they will compare it to something better. Like when it comes to their salary they forget to compare to the Africans who don’t even have food to eat, but they want to compare to Singapore's Prime Minister (USD $2 million/year). When the Goverment gives him a free Perdana, he compares his Perdana with Ferrari.

And then we complaint about how damn Streamyx is, they will tell us almost all Africans don't have even keyboard ( When this typo things come, they only remember Africa ). Why don't they compare us to Japan, Korea and America?

When you tell them the toll fees is too expensive, they will immediately show you a list of countries that toll fees are higher than us. When you tell them petrol price very expensive, they will tell you actually you're paying cheap because they have already subsidize you. Why they don't compare to Brunei that charges few cents per litre of petrol?

Haha..enough with Goverment. Do you know actually your parents like to play too? When you ask the President of the house (not Abdullah Badawi but your dad) why he drive Proton instead of BMW, he will tell you many people can only ride a bike! When you ask the First Lady (not Jeanne Abdullah but your mum)why she can't cook like Iron Chef, she will tell you many woman don’t even know how to cook.

When you get #2 in your school, your parents will compare you with #1 instead of comparing you with others fellows who left behind you. When you get 99% in Mathematics, they will ask you why you don't get 100%. They forget to compare with 98, 97, 96, 3, 2, 1, 0...

Then next time you just asked " Why Ah Beng drove Benz and you drove Proton? " , " Why Ah Beng's house got swimming pool and garden and we don't even have place to store rubbish? "

I can't promise anything what happen next if you do so. But I can guess they will slap your ass. Then you can compare your ass's Body Glove with the Ah Beng's bag Body Glove.
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Really Can Be Rich?

Muahaha... sometimes when we shopping in MidValley, my parents dropped me off at MPH. While looking for some books, I accidently saw a book.

I'm not sure you will get rich after reading this book, but I'm totally sure you will make them rich. So later you can write a book “Why You Want Them To Be Rich”. Hahaha..
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Malaysia Education

Our goverment often complaints that many of our professional workers don't want to server our country but selfishly stay in overseas and work there. They say they should be more patriotic.

Our goverment often complaints that our country lacks of pros workers but at the same time there are many U-Graduates that can't find job and just slacking in their parents house. I think goverment make a stupid mistake in education.

Our government spend a lot of money providing free primary and secondary education us. That is 6 years of primary school, 5 years or secondary school and 2 years more if they take form 6, total to 13 years! 13 years of FREE EDUCATION and TRAINING!

Some of the top students are exported to Singapore because Singapore give them a full scholarship, let them choose the exact course they want to study and give them Singapore PR few months before they graduate! You don’t even need to apply for the PR! (some of them went after form 6, some of them went immediately after SPM to Junior College)

Malaysia trains this smart student for 13 years and Singapore only trains them 4 years and they have work for Singapore over 30 years.
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Best Brains

What are best brains? Do you love Sejarah? I can't even finish my Sejarah examination paper in a short time. But a friend of mine finish it, check 3 times, sleep and look around. I repeat again, Check 3 TIMES, SLEEP and LOOK AROUND.

Can you memorize a phone number in just 1 second? This friend of mine just look at it about 1 seconds and he can recall the number! I doubt the accuracy but after we take a phone call, it is correct.

Do you have friends that don’t need to study much for exam but can get very good results? Do you have friends that can listen in the boring lecture and understand everything the lecturer is teaching?

BEST BRAINS are those people who can do something that seems RIDICULOUSLY easy to themselves but RIDICULOUSLY hard for someone else. You can also call it TALENT.

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People Who Is Not Open Minded

I make this post because somebody thought I'm dead and not blogging forever. This post might be a long article.

Let me start from people who doesn't have ability to investigate and change frequently. If you look at pasar aunties even my mother like to change their mind. Today they listen that tomato very fresh from some other aunties, tonight they will cook variety of dishes that almost all is tomato. Tomato rice, tomato juice, tomato dessert and else.

They are too open minded! They don’t investigate much before they accept new things. And these group of people will easily fall into SCAM and the hand of the marketing guys. Some of my friends ( not you lar.. )

#1 He believes that DiGi really give him a free 500 SMS if he forwarded the message to 20 peoples.

#2 He believes Hotmail too crowded and his account will be banned if he doesn't forwarded this message to all of his friends.

#3 He really believe a message from Petronas that he won a RM50,000 rewards due to his loyalty to Petronas.

You will be laugh on this. You will think only a Tanjung Rambutan guys will fall on this trick. What about these?

# Do you believe that drinking milk will give you more calcium? Do you believe on what Anlene says, “2 cups of Anlene will give you the calcium you need a day. What if I tell you that the more milk you drink, the more calcium you will lose.

# Do you believe that cancer is a disease that kill you? What if I tell you cancer is a mechanism that heal instead of kill and cancer patients should thank God that thay have cancer?

# Do you think eating fruits after your dinner is good for your digestion? What if I tell you eating fruits after your FOOD is actually bad for your digestion? Ask your teachers if you don't believe me.

Are you open minded enough? Do you have the ability to investigate? At this moment of time, your knowledge and experience may be telling you that drinking milk will give you more calcium (so you drink more), cancer is something that kill you (so you should hate it), fruit is good for digestion (so you should eat more papayas after your dinner).

You may think milk is the best source of calcium, so you drink it yourself. You also force your innocent child to drink it and you force your old mum to drink it! You are not wrong, because at this moment of time, your knowledge and experience tell you that it is right and that’s the best.

Lets get to topic. People who is not open minded. The first group of people we discuss is those who doesn't have ability to investigate and change frequently. They may get conned. Now who is the second group?

The second group is the person who stubborn enough and not willing to change his mind eventhough they know they're wrong. But they still want to prove us that they are right. They don't need to investigate and not open minded. Instead of accepting everything, they accept nothing. Usually they're ego-type. They probably think they are the always right one. They want others to follow their ways and doesn't listen to anyone.

Sometimes even when everything prove that they are wrong, they still refuse to admit it and still want to say that they are right and others are wrong! Politicians do that all the time! Hishammuddin and Nazri do that all the time! Most of the time they realized that what they have said should not have been said, but because they have said it, they will need to stubbornly keep their old stand.

If one who is not open minded, his knowledge and experience is limited. Since he never learn new things, he will never grow. He almost same all of the time.

#1 Smokers will smoke until maybe have lung disease. His knowledge and experience tell him that smoking is no problem for decades. He won't die anyway in the time. When he get a lung cancer, his experience change dramatically and so he will change immediately. If last time he is open minded enough, he will probably learn the bad of smoking. But that's too late now.

#2 Do you think homosexual is a bad thing or a sin? If you really open minded, you will investigate and you may find out that homosexual is not even their choice. This is natural. If you are a guy and you feel 'something' when you look at a sexy woman, it is not a choice! It is your body reaction because of your genetics and hormones. Whether you want to do something (sexual intercourse or something ) is a choice but the initial feeling is not a choice! For a gay, he don’t feel that 'something' when he see a sexy woman but he feel that 'something' when he see a sexy man! It is not a choice! He can choose not to engage in homosexual acts but he can never choose to feel 'something' when he see a woman instead of a man. He is born like that.

As we are still living, we will be constantly growing and we will encounter more knowledge everyday and gain new experience everyday. And you, have to decide if you want to be like the aunties who keep on changing frequently without investigating, or the politicians who are stubborn and never listen, or you want to be an open minded person who has the ability to investigate on new knowledge and decide whether you want to keep your old believes or replace it with the better one.

You should also be able to understand why some other people are so different than you because that’s what the best they can do, with their knowledge and experience at that moment of time.
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Any Relationship Between Reporters and Police?

Do you think any relationship between reporters and police? Why when something is happening, the reporters will know so fast?

Okay. Let us take an example. There is a rape case in Metakab ( I'm using 'rape' as example because this case can be consider a serious and common case ). After few minutes this case happening, the reporters will come and ask a lot of bloody question. And what I wondering is, " Why the reporters know so fast abou the case" , " Who the hell telling them this case ".

Lets analysis.

  1. The Rapist - Impossible for a rapist tolding the reporters.
  2. The Victim - Impossible he/she want whole world know she is raped
  3. The Public - They are helping the victim. So they can know a lot of what happening. But if you and me as a public, maybe you will feel sympathy and only told your families.
  4. Hospital Staffs - I believe most doctors are professionals. But low-paid hospital staffs (counter clerk, ambulance drivers…) do have high possibilities in telling the reporters if they can get some ‘reward’ in return from the news media. However, most crimes don’t involved ‘hospital’ accept those that need body check out (like raping).
  5. Police - Police!!! Unless you don’t lodge a police report, police will know THE MOST THING regarding a case.
Now, use your brain to think

“Do you think reporters have special information linkage to polices?”.

“Do you think reporters are willing to pay polices some ‘reward’ on recurring basis so they will be informed on things. And extra ‘bonuses’ if the news is big enough?”.

“Do you think polices would like to get some extra ‘gift’ by disclosing information?”

“Do you think news media can survive without reliable source of information? Do you think they can survive if they are the last to know about something?”

Newspaper always say something like this, “The police didn’t confirm … (it is like this) … but according to reliable source, it is indeed …. (like this) …”.

What is the reliable source? Why the hell they can’t tell us what is the " reliable source "? Media usually wants to tell us AS MUCH THING as they can. But why in the case they use the phase " reliable source "?

I didn’t make any statements here. These are all questions. Questions for you to think about.

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Politicians Also Play Friendster

Just now I have nothing to do. Watching movie or play O2Mania. Then decided to visit Friendster. What is the most exciting is I saw many politicians playing Friendsters.

Hell Yeah, Lim Keng Yaik also got “play” Friendster. And So I click on his profile . Welcome to his profile page.

" Affiliations:

GERAKAN, Ministry of Energy, Water & Comm., Chairman Associations of Tin Producing Countries, Vice President of the World WUSHU Federation.

Hobbies and Interests:
SMOKING. I need Salem Menthol everyday. Screw the Government’s “TAK NAK” campaign.

Favorite Books:
Tobacco Planting for Dummies.

Favorite Movies:
Dunt have ler…

Favorite Music:
Songs by Alan Tam.

Favorite TV Shows:
Spongebob Squarepants.

About Me:
People say i talk very loud, usually spitting saliva too. But actually i am a very easy-going man, provided you dont get onto my nerves. Or else i will start to grumble and curse at you. I already entered politics since 1972, after becoming a GP for six years. Whoa…. it has been quite some time since then, man… Now taht i am a Minister, & also PGRM’s president, i think i wanna quit. but not so soon, maybe by 2008 la. And one more thing, i am a big hypocrite. coz although i am a doctor, but i have been smoking for years. it is too late for me to quit, so might as well enjoy the fine taste of cigarettes. Stupid price hike.

Who I Want to Meet:
Anyone! Come add me at ( "

Other politicians play too. What the hell...xD

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Banana People = Chinese Don't Know Chinese = Andrew

Do you all know what is on the image? It is banana. Yellow, soft and sweet tropical fruit, sold quite cheaply in Malaysia and freakingly expensive in the United States and Europe.

Anything about banana with my post today? As I know, there’s people tend to call a Chinese who doesn’t speak and write Chinese a banana. I can speak Mandarin and Cantonese. My schoolmates and even my sisters call me a banana people. I'm used to that. I know my Chinese education just up to a kindergarten standard.

Why do they call it banana people. Think it yourself. Yellow usually symbolizes Western and White usually symbolizes Chinese. So, you see that a banana which outer is yellow inner is white. That means a Chinese don't know Chinese but only know ABC.

I always using Google Translate that consider as a sucks translator tools to translate any Chinese to English. I always wanna to learn Chinese but I'm kinda temporarily. About 1 hour studying Chinese, I will accidently fell asleep.

I regreted that I'm not taking any Chinese education. Freaks
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4D Toto. A Fast Way Of Getting Rich?

Everyone know the 4 digit numbers. Malaysia have Sports Toto and Magnum 4D. I wonder, why is everyone playing this number thingies? The chances of winning is like one in a million.

Striking 4D definitely not as easy as that. Out of 10,000 numbers, just how many can you buy on one draw date? Now, out of those number you have bought, just how many of them will be selected among the 23 spots? Like I said, the chances are one in a million. I’m sure it’s not 50-50, it’s not either to strike or not to strike.

Because of 4D, I think my parents wasted money on it. There’s 52 weeks in a year. Every week, there’s 3 draw days. That means, there’s 156 draws annually, excluding all those special draws. On each draw days, I think my parents each of them used up to RM20. So, it’s like RM3,200 each year. How many times did my parents strike 4D? Usually 4 or 5 times annually, consolation or special. Does that cover up the annual 4D expenses? Nope.

Because of 4D, people become superstitious. When there’s car accident on the road, you know why there’s a jam? Everyone is looking at the damaged car, driving slowly. Some even kaypoh and go out of their car trying to settle things. But, they have one thing in common. All of them just wanted to know the car plate number. Buy 4D later mah…

Some even pray to god and ask for 4D number. If you watch the movie, you will know what I mean. That guy even offer KFC and sushi to the so called god of prosperity. All those are nonsense right? If it does work, I don’t think anyone would be living like hell. I don’t think anyone would complain the fuel price hike.

4D. Toto. Lottery. It’s just part of business.

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Why Our Education Minister Insist Math and Science in English

I get this joke from one of my friend's bulletin boards.

" Why Mahathir insist on using English for math and science. Because the world uses the english language as the main language for information technology. How dangerous would it be if we’re still going to use Bahasa, especially in school. See example below.

*hardware = barangkeras
*software = baranglembut
*joystick = batang gembira
*plug and play = cucuk dan main
*port = lubang
*server = pelayan
*client = pelanggan

Try translate this:

That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.”

Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut.Batang gembira itu dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan. ”

Now You Know………

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If A Girl Rape A Guy.....

This is a very funny conversation between me and my friend in MSN. He asked me..

" Imagine if a girl rape a guy. Then, the guy report the case to the police. Will the girl be punished?"

Our law is like this. When a guy rape a girl, police will whip his ass and jail him. What if a girl rape a guy? Before I go on with this topic here, I would like to define what the word rape. According to wikipedia, rape is a crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity, in particular sexual penetration, against his or her will. Notice the word “his” ? This means that a girl can rape guy too, not only the usual guy rape girl case.

Imagine that, if this case really happen. What punishment will come to the girl? As far as I know, girls probably get lower level of punishment than a guy. An inequal rights. Other than that, our Malaysian Government have this Kementrian Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga. Do we have Kementerian Pembangunan Lelaki dan Keluarga? No.

After taking some thoughts, I wonder will the guy report a rape case to the police? Most probably NO. We all know that guys love sex. If a girl rape a guy, the guy gets free sex. Come on, what will a guy lose after a sexual intercourse? The membrane, identity of their virginity? Definitely NO. They just lose their cum anyways.
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Which Is The Exact Date Of Our National Day?

As you know, our country National Day or so-called Hari Kemerdekaan is on 31st August. Malaysia is a country which include Sarawak and Sabah also. 31st August is the day when the Peninsular Malaysia get independence. 16th September is the day which is the whole of Malaysia get independence.

How about Sabah and Sarawak? We have not yet archieve our independence that time. We’re still under the British until the late Tunku Abdul Rahman suggested Malaysia. And Malaysia is born on 16 September 1963.

I think 16 Sep is the actual date for our Malaysia National Day.
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The Cruel Act Ever

Have you all watched SAW before. It shows you a very violent or cruel acts. But I think this cruel act is compareable with the acts in SAW.
I don't know why he against the greeny goblin, Shrek. He hates him badly. He tortures him.
First he tortures him with drivers, pliers and cutters…

Then, he pours kerosene to that poor little green toy… Powered by Shell some more

Lastly, he burns it.

All pictures are courtesy of BlogWawasan. And yeah, you don’t want to know the end result of this burning torture. It’s too cruel, and I don’t want to label my blog as 18SG.

Not only Shrek is tortured, the Donkey got tortured too. Now how evil is that? The Donkey Torture is even more cruel than The Burning Shrek.

Firstly, Donkey is Drill on his mouth, particularly to shut him up.

Next, cut the head off. This is to 100% ensure that Donkey doesn’t talk anymore.

Continue to cut off other parts of Donkey

But this is not the end of it. Cooking it is the next section of the torture!!

You should have already guessed it. He baked buns with Donkey fillings

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Malaysia Cars, No Safety First?

I’m sure everyone knows this really short yet important phrase, “Safety First”. It’s on the TV, radios, public community service announcement and whatnot. I remembered the “Don’t Drink and Drive” advertisement on TV when I was young. Its message is clear, it conveys the danger of driving when you’re high on alcohol.

Sadly, our Malaysian national car makers is not practicing safety first. As I know, if you want a car with maximum safety, you have to pay more for it. All those safety features that is the standard in the US is something premium for the Malaysian. Air Bags is a standard safety features for cars in the US. Malaysian car? It’s not. It’s in the premium edition.

Looks like those car makers couldn’t care less about the drivers’ safety eh? Well, I’m not saying Malaysian drives car like barbarian, knocking down street lamps and trees by the road, and then blame the car makers for all the deaths caused in a car accident. No. I just think that it is unreasonable for the consumer to pay more to get a car with at least air bags.

I should be glad because safety belt is part of the standard safety feature in Malaysian car. If I were to pay more just to get safety belt in my car, I am not so buying Malaysian car in future.
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Getting Too Old or Being Forgetful?

Have you ever like go for a shower, start showering, and found out you forgot your towel?

It just happened to me just now. There was no one around, so I was like running naked to where my towel is, which is around 10 meters from the bathroom, and ran back to the bathroom. I’m not even 20 and I start forgetting things already! OMG!
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Why I Hate Watching Movies In Cinema So Much

I rarely watch movie in the cinema. I prefer watching movies in the comfort of my home. I would rather wait few months for the DVD to be out rather than watching it in the cinema. Here are the reason why I hate watching movies in cinema.

The Smell

Imagine having at least 50 cramming in a room to watch movie with you. People from all walks of life and all sorts of SMELL. You don’t know whether that person, sitting in front of you took a shower or not. You don’t know if the person behind you have body odour or not. You don’t know if the person if the person sitting beside you (not your friend of course, if you have company) is using some weird perfume or cologne that might kill you in no time.

The Cellphones

Some people just don’t understand how annoying their handphones are. Can’t they just freaking silent their phone, or even better, just turn it off? I don’t really care if you have the latest Bleach Opening song as your ringtone, or some girl’s voice saying “You got a message, baby” as your SMS tone. That’s not all. Some people are like shouting, trying to fight the volume of the movie when talking on the phone. How ridiculous is that? I just want to watch my freaking movie!

The Late Comers

I don’t mind if those late comers kept quiet and go to their seat silently. Some even bend down (so that you are not blocked) and whisper “Sorry, sorry” to you. That’s the people with respect. Some people, they’re late, they’re noisy, and they’re like purposely stand in front of you arguing “This is our seat lah!” while pointing fingers here and there. Eh please lah, I want to watch the movie, not watching you pointing fingers arguing over nothing, even if you are some pretty girl. There’s a lane at the side there for you to argue, not in front of the movie watchers! IDIOTS

The Pissed-Off Noise

I don’t understand. Why some people can’t keep quiet and watch the damn movie? They are chattering all the way through out the movie. We’re in the cinema, not KOPITIAM! Please lah, talk after you watch the movie. If you still want to talk because you have too many things to kaypoh, well, WALK OUT OF THE THEATER HALL. It’s not that hard.

The Spoilers

There are certain people who have nothing better to do, so they watch the same movie for the second time. I don’t mind if they can just watch the movie QUIETLY and laugh or react when they should. There are people who are loud, and likes to spoil. They sat at the back there, shouting, “After this is funny… Hahahaha…”, or “Later the ghost will jump out from that window… SEE??!!”, or “He’s the killer!! I tell you! No lies!!”. I hate those kind of people.

If I were to watch at home, I don’t have to be annoyed by the smells, the late comers, the noise, the spoilers, or any other distraction. Why? Because you can PAUSE THE MOVIE! Though my TV is not as large as the screen in the cinema, but at least I it is clear (I always make sure the pirated DVD I bought is in the BEST Quality) and I can adjust the CONTRAST. Now tell me, what’s so cool about going to the cinema?

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Top10 Deaths Caused By Video Game. Get Your Gaming Life!

Video games have become sleeker, harder, faster, and better to an exponential degree in the last 10 years. This has been mostly awesome, but the increased intensity of games has yielded an echo of similarly intense behavior in those that play the games. Sometimes this behavior goes well beyond throwing one’s controller across the room. At the far end of this spectrum are 10 deaths caused by video games.

  1. Korean Killed by Starcraft (2005)

Starcraft is an online multiplayer game in which you command a fleet of space warriors and are plunged into battle with other legions of warriors controlled by other real people. It’s so popular that professional gamers (yes, they actually exist) can make upward of $100,000 a year playing this game. It’s an extremely addicting game and, when the man identified only as “Lee” succumbed to death, authorities said that it was because of “heart failure stemming from exhaustion.”

2. 18-Year-Old Killed by an Arcade

Peter Burkowski was an 18-year-old “A” student that stopped into an arcade at about 8:30 p.m. one Saturday. He set a couple high scores in the Berzerk machine, turned away from it to pay some attention to another game, and as soon as he put his quarter in, collapsed from a heart attack. The autopsy revealed scar tissue in Peter’s heart that effectively made him a “ticking time bomb” set off by a video game which apparently increased his blood pressure and heart rate dramatically

3. Vengeance Killing for Virtual Sword

Qiu Chegwei lent his Dragon Sabre for the online game Legend of Mir 3 to his friend Mr. Zhu Caoyuan. Mr. Zhu being a resourceful a-hole, sold that thing for about $675. Mr. Chegwei, though, being a bigger a-hole and less resourceful, stabbed the hell out of his friend with a very real knife, killing him. Mr. Chegwei is currently serving a life sentence, which could be suspended to 15 years for good behavior.

4. Everquest Suicide

This story is up for some debate. But the fact is that then-21-year-old Shawn Woolley played hours of the online game Everquest before fatally shooting himself while sitting in front of his computer. His mother found him with notes related to the game strewn about the room, but none of them offered specific evidence for his motivation .

5. 13-Year-Old Commits WoW Suicide

Xiao Yi was 13 when he jumped from the top of a 24-story building. The note he left behind for his parents was written from the point of view of a video game character. Further, the note detailed his wish to meet three of his gaming friends in the afterlife. His parents asked him, at one point, about his addiction. He replied that he “had been poisoned by games and could no longer control himself.”

6. 13-Year-Old Murders Woman for Subscription Money

In 2007, A 13-year-old boy named Dinh The Dan killed an 81-year-old woman and stole her money in order to fund an online gaming addiction. Vietnamese police report that Dan strangled the woman with a piece of rope, then buried her in a pile of sand in front of his house. Owing to his age, he was not sent to prison, but to a reeducation camp from which he will be released after good behavior.

7. Man Kills Toddler Over Broken Xbox

Tyrone Spellman, 27, played long hours on his Xbox. So, when his 17-month-old daughter pulled on some cords and tipped the Xbox to the ground, breaking it, he become completely enraged. He struck her with such force that it “cracked her skull several times.” The autopsy, too, revealed a broken arm that was at least two weeks old which social workers had failed to identify previously.

8. Daniel Petric Kills Mother Over Halo 3

After his mother and father took Halo 3 away from him, Daniel Petric, 17, unlocked the safe in which they’d hidden it. Also in the safe was a 9mm pistol. He then took the game and the pistol to his parent’s room, asked them to close their eyes because he had a surprise for them, and shot them both in the head. The father survived with critical injuries, but his mother died instantly.
9. Toddler Beaten to Death with Game Controller
Darisabel Baez, the 2-year-old daughter to 19-year-old Neida E. Baez, was beaten to death with a video game controller by Neida’s then boyfriend, Harve L. Johnson, in April of last year. Bizarrely, the girl was brought to her mother unconscious and soaking wet because Howard had tried to revive her in the bathtub. He refused to tell police his reason for beating the girl.
10. GTA-Inspired Cop Killing
There is little doubt that Devin Moore’s cop-killing spree and subsequent theft of a police cruiser were inspired by the ultraviolent video game series Grand Theft Auto. Moore took one gun from an officer, shot three others with it, and fled the station in a police cruiser. Moore was a obsessed with the GTA series of video games, and, once captured, he told police "Life's like a video game. You've got to die sometime."

Click here to read full article.
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ASDF,ASD, ABC, DEF,...Stuck Stuck!

Does your brain works fast enough to know what the heck are
If you can’t, just focus on

No, these are not alien language. You encounter them almost EVERYDAY. And when you are reading this post, they are right at your fingertips.

Get it?

It’s the characters arrangement on your keyboard!
Have you ever wonder why characters on the keyboard are so screwed up? I have been playing computers for more than 6 years. I have also played with my mum’s stone-aged typewriter. I asked my mum that time, she had no idea. I think my mum is bored on his son who like to ask questions like “Is Superman more geng-chow (kuat! powerful!) or Spiderman is more geng-chow?”, “Is crocodile more geng-chow or shark more geng-chow?” (After watching Steven Spielberg’s robot shark in “Jaws”)

I asked a lot of people why the keys on my keyboard are so screwed up, no one have a clue (maybe people I meet are idiots, as idiots always stick with idiots). Wahahaha.

People don’t care much about this, just like people don’t wonder why when we talk with our mobile phone our voice can fly from Mentakab to KL. We don’t care because if we need to know how everything works before we can use it, we can’t do a lot of things. We can’t drive a car (Quiz: your car got how many cylinders?), we can’t switch on the light (Quiz: How many electrons are required to emit 42.5Watt of Fotons to light up your room? Answer: around 5,451,265,895,154,156,582). So, like other people, I keep on using the keyboard without knowing why the B is not next to the A!

Today, I am so happy to find out who screw up our keyboard! The story go like this…
In 1873, they invented the typewriter (1873 - I’m not born yet, my mum not born yet, my grandpa not born yet, and sorry I don’t know who is my grand-grand-pa). The problem with the typewriter was if you typed too fast, the keys stuck! So the boss said, “No one will buy the typewrite if the keys stick!” So he asked his R&D team to solve the problem.

[I hope you are old enough to touch a typewriter. The typewriter can only accept 1 key at a time, if you hit 2 keys together or type too fast, the mechanic parts of the 2 keys will stick/jam and you can't type anymore until you un-stick the keys manually]

A brilliant R&D member (as brilliant as Andrew) came up with a brilliant idea.

“Boss, We got it solved!”

“Our typewrite can type faster now?”

“No, it’s still the same. But we can keep the keys from sticking by forcing people to type slower!”

“Apa Tahi You Cakap?” (What do you mean?)

“All we have to do is hide the letters on the keypad. We’ll put A up here, B down there, we’ll stick C up here, we’ll put Q there… like that, no body can type fast! Because they will need to hunt for the letters before they can type!”

That is how our now keyboard made.

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