Malaysia Education

Our goverment often complaints that many of our professional workers don't want to server our country but selfishly stay in overseas and work there. They say they should be more patriotic.

Our goverment often complaints that our country lacks of pros workers but at the same time there are many U-Graduates that can't find job and just slacking in their parents house. I think goverment make a stupid mistake in education.

Our government spend a lot of money providing free primary and secondary education us. That is 6 years of primary school, 5 years or secondary school and 2 years more if they take form 6, total to 13 years! 13 years of FREE EDUCATION and TRAINING!

Some of the top students are exported to Singapore because Singapore give them a full scholarship, let them choose the exact course they want to study and give them Singapore PR few months before they graduate! You don’t even need to apply for the PR! (some of them went after form 6, some of them went immediately after SPM to Junior College)

Malaysia trains this smart student for 13 years and Singapore only trains them 4 years and they have work for Singapore over 30 years.
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