People Who Is Not Open Minded

I make this post because somebody thought I'm dead and not blogging forever. This post might be a long article.

Let me start from people who doesn't have ability to investigate and change frequently. If you look at pasar aunties even my mother like to change their mind. Today they listen that tomato very fresh from some other aunties, tonight they will cook variety of dishes that almost all is tomato. Tomato rice, tomato juice, tomato dessert and else.

They are too open minded! They don’t investigate much before they accept new things. And these group of people will easily fall into SCAM and the hand of the marketing guys. Some of my friends ( not you lar.. )

#1 He believes that DiGi really give him a free 500 SMS if he forwarded the message to 20 peoples.

#2 He believes Hotmail too crowded and his account will be banned if he doesn't forwarded this message to all of his friends.

#3 He really believe a message from Petronas that he won a RM50,000 rewards due to his loyalty to Petronas.

You will be laugh on this. You will think only a Tanjung Rambutan guys will fall on this trick. What about these?

# Do you believe that drinking milk will give you more calcium? Do you believe on what Anlene says, “2 cups of Anlene will give you the calcium you need a day. What if I tell you that the more milk you drink, the more calcium you will lose.

# Do you believe that cancer is a disease that kill you? What if I tell you cancer is a mechanism that heal instead of kill and cancer patients should thank God that thay have cancer?

# Do you think eating fruits after your dinner is good for your digestion? What if I tell you eating fruits after your FOOD is actually bad for your digestion? Ask your teachers if you don't believe me.

Are you open minded enough? Do you have the ability to investigate? At this moment of time, your knowledge and experience may be telling you that drinking milk will give you more calcium (so you drink more), cancer is something that kill you (so you should hate it), fruit is good for digestion (so you should eat more papayas after your dinner).

You may think milk is the best source of calcium, so you drink it yourself. You also force your innocent child to drink it and you force your old mum to drink it! You are not wrong, because at this moment of time, your knowledge and experience tell you that it is right and that’s the best.

Lets get to topic. People who is not open minded. The first group of people we discuss is those who doesn't have ability to investigate and change frequently. They may get conned. Now who is the second group?

The second group is the person who stubborn enough and not willing to change his mind eventhough they know they're wrong. But they still want to prove us that they are right. They don't need to investigate and not open minded. Instead of accepting everything, they accept nothing. Usually they're ego-type. They probably think they are the always right one. They want others to follow their ways and doesn't listen to anyone.

Sometimes even when everything prove that they are wrong, they still refuse to admit it and still want to say that they are right and others are wrong! Politicians do that all the time! Hishammuddin and Nazri do that all the time! Most of the time they realized that what they have said should not have been said, but because they have said it, they will need to stubbornly keep their old stand.

If one who is not open minded, his knowledge and experience is limited. Since he never learn new things, he will never grow. He almost same all of the time.

#1 Smokers will smoke until maybe have lung disease. His knowledge and experience tell him that smoking is no problem for decades. He won't die anyway in the time. When he get a lung cancer, his experience change dramatically and so he will change immediately. If last time he is open minded enough, he will probably learn the bad of smoking. But that's too late now.

#2 Do you think homosexual is a bad thing or a sin? If you really open minded, you will investigate and you may find out that homosexual is not even their choice. This is natural. If you are a guy and you feel 'something' when you look at a sexy woman, it is not a choice! It is your body reaction because of your genetics and hormones. Whether you want to do something (sexual intercourse or something ) is a choice but the initial feeling is not a choice! For a gay, he don’t feel that 'something' when he see a sexy woman but he feel that 'something' when he see a sexy man! It is not a choice! He can choose not to engage in homosexual acts but he can never choose to feel 'something' when he see a woman instead of a man. He is born like that.

As we are still living, we will be constantly growing and we will encounter more knowledge everyday and gain new experience everyday. And you, have to decide if you want to be like the aunties who keep on changing frequently without investigating, or the politicians who are stubborn and never listen, or you want to be an open minded person who has the ability to investigate on new knowledge and decide whether you want to keep your old believes or replace it with the better one.

You should also be able to understand why some other people are so different than you because that’s what the best they can do, with their knowledge and experience at that moment of time.
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