Best Brains

What are best brains? Do you love Sejarah? I can't even finish my Sejarah examination paper in a short time. But a friend of mine finish it, check 3 times, sleep and look around. I repeat again, Check 3 TIMES, SLEEP and LOOK AROUND.

Can you memorize a phone number in just 1 second? This friend of mine just look at it about 1 seconds and he can recall the number! I doubt the accuracy but after we take a phone call, it is correct.

Do you have friends that don’t need to study much for exam but can get very good results? Do you have friends that can listen in the boring lecture and understand everything the lecturer is teaching?

BEST BRAINS are those people who can do something that seems RIDICULOUSLY easy to themselves but RIDICULOUSLY hard for someone else. You can also call it TALENT.

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