Any Relationship Between Reporters and Police?

Do you think any relationship between reporters and police? Why when something is happening, the reporters will know so fast?

Okay. Let us take an example. There is a rape case in Metakab ( I'm using 'rape' as example because this case can be consider a serious and common case ). After few minutes this case happening, the reporters will come and ask a lot of bloody question. And what I wondering is, " Why the reporters know so fast abou the case" , " Who the hell telling them this case ".

Lets analysis.

  1. The Rapist - Impossible for a rapist tolding the reporters.
  2. The Victim - Impossible he/she want whole world know she is raped
  3. The Public - They are helping the victim. So they can know a lot of what happening. But if you and me as a public, maybe you will feel sympathy and only told your families.
  4. Hospital Staffs - I believe most doctors are professionals. But low-paid hospital staffs (counter clerk, ambulance drivers…) do have high possibilities in telling the reporters if they can get some ‘reward’ in return from the news media. However, most crimes don’t involved ‘hospital’ accept those that need body check out (like raping).
  5. Police - Police!!! Unless you don’t lodge a police report, police will know THE MOST THING regarding a case.
Now, use your brain to think

“Do you think reporters have special information linkage to polices?”.

“Do you think reporters are willing to pay polices some ‘reward’ on recurring basis so they will be informed on things. And extra ‘bonuses’ if the news is big enough?”.

“Do you think polices would like to get some extra ‘gift’ by disclosing information?”

“Do you think news media can survive without reliable source of information? Do you think they can survive if they are the last to know about something?”

Newspaper always say something like this, “The police didn’t confirm … (it is like this) … but according to reliable source, it is indeed …. (like this) …”.

What is the reliable source? Why the hell they can’t tell us what is the " reliable source "? Media usually wants to tell us AS MUCH THING as they can. But why in the case they use the phase " reliable source "?

I didn’t make any statements here. These are all questions. Questions for you to think about.

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