If A Girl Rape A Guy.....

This is a very funny conversation between me and my friend in MSN. He asked me..

" Imagine if a girl rape a guy. Then, the guy report the case to the police. Will the girl be punished?"

Our law is like this. When a guy rape a girl, police will whip his ass and jail him. What if a girl rape a guy? Before I go on with this topic here, I would like to define what the word rape. According to wikipedia, rape is a crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity, in particular sexual penetration, against his or her will. Notice the word “his” ? This means that a girl can rape guy too, not only the usual guy rape girl case.

Imagine that, if this case really happen. What punishment will come to the girl? As far as I know, girls probably get lower level of punishment than a guy. An inequal rights. Other than that, our Malaysian Government have this Kementrian Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga. Do we have Kementerian Pembangunan Lelaki dan Keluarga? No.

After taking some thoughts, I wonder will the guy report a rape case to the police? Most probably NO. We all know that guys love sex. If a girl rape a guy, the guy gets free sex. Come on, what will a guy lose after a sexual intercourse? The membrane, identity of their virginity? Definitely NO. They just lose their cum anyways.
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