Why I Hate Watching Movies In Cinema So Much

I rarely watch movie in the cinema. I prefer watching movies in the comfort of my home. I would rather wait few months for the DVD to be out rather than watching it in the cinema. Here are the reason why I hate watching movies in cinema.

The Smell

Imagine having at least 50 cramming in a room to watch movie with you. People from all walks of life and all sorts of SMELL. You don’t know whether that person, sitting in front of you took a shower or not. You don’t know if the person behind you have body odour or not. You don’t know if the person if the person sitting beside you (not your friend of course, if you have company) is using some weird perfume or cologne that might kill you in no time.

The Cellphones

Some people just don’t understand how annoying their handphones are. Can’t they just freaking silent their phone, or even better, just turn it off? I don’t really care if you have the latest Bleach Opening song as your ringtone, or some girl’s voice saying “You got a message, baby” as your SMS tone. That’s not all. Some people are like shouting, trying to fight the volume of the movie when talking on the phone. How ridiculous is that? I just want to watch my freaking movie!

The Late Comers

I don’t mind if those late comers kept quiet and go to their seat silently. Some even bend down (so that you are not blocked) and whisper “Sorry, sorry” to you. That’s the people with respect. Some people, they’re late, they’re noisy, and they’re like purposely stand in front of you arguing “This is our seat lah!” while pointing fingers here and there. Eh please lah, I want to watch the movie, not watching you pointing fingers arguing over nothing, even if you are some pretty girl. There’s a lane at the side there for you to argue, not in front of the movie watchers! IDIOTS

The Pissed-Off Noise

I don’t understand. Why some people can’t keep quiet and watch the damn movie? They are chattering all the way through out the movie. We’re in the cinema, not KOPITIAM! Please lah, talk after you watch the movie. If you still want to talk because you have too many things to kaypoh, well, WALK OUT OF THE THEATER HALL. It’s not that hard.

The Spoilers

There are certain people who have nothing better to do, so they watch the same movie for the second time. I don’t mind if they can just watch the movie QUIETLY and laugh or react when they should. There are people who are loud, and likes to spoil. They sat at the back there, shouting, “After this is funny… Hahahaha…”, or “Later the ghost will jump out from that window… SEE??!!”, or “He’s the killer!! I tell you! No lies!!”. I hate those kind of people.

If I were to watch at home, I don’t have to be annoyed by the smells, the late comers, the noise, the spoilers, or any other distraction. Why? Because you can PAUSE THE MOVIE! Though my TV is not as large as the screen in the cinema, but at least I it is clear (I always make sure the pirated DVD I bought is in the BEST Quality) and I can adjust the CONTRAST. Now tell me, what’s so cool about going to the cinema?

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