Our New Enter, a Shih Tzu dog called Max

This is indeed a very surprising gift from my sister to my dad. I could never expect she will present this to my dad as a birthday gift. Max is some kind of naughty and active dog although it looks like a very quiet dog. He like to shake his tail and lickin' my fingers ( because my fingers like McDonald's french fries * salty )

Today went to KL as well, to celebrate my sister's birthday. She bought Max as a early gift for my dad in his coming November birthday. After eating a simple, cheap and delicious Wantan Mee, we just go around the highway and town and ended in a side road. A woman, not really beautiful as I expected selling the dog. We met Max there.

Ahh, after bought him, we immediately brought him to a pet shop. Buy food, tools, cage and somemore service him with massage, combing and bathing ( I never been treated like this before in my whole life ). I felt he is luckier than me. When I want a fried egg, they don't give. But Max doesn't request anything, they already bought him a nutritious food. I want hired a people to massage me, they said it's wasting their money. But they immediately bought a massage service for Max.

Cut the crap, I can't compare myself to dog.

It's hard to capture his piccas. A Shih Tzu dog. Kinda cute but not as cute as me.

Holding him like my baby and I want to kiss him but, he's too dirty for a clean dude like me. His tongue...yucks!

Just like a blackmail photo. A criminal holding a dog to blackmail someone
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Apocalypse is Over. Andrew is now back as a Crap

Due to the coming PMR, i had stop blogging since few months ago ( or in other word, I'm lazy ). PMR is the new worse disaster for me, some kind of virus that can drive me crazy. For now, the apocalypse is over, and it does bring a smile to whole Malaysia Form 3 students.

For now, I'm now back as a crap again.
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The Most Expensive Christmas Tree

Recently, the most expensive christmas tree is displayed in Japan and it cost about $ 1.6 Million. This is 24K golden christmas tree displayed in Ginza Tanaka jewellery shop.

How? I can hear a 'wow' sound out of your mouth.

Knowing the fact that an economy slowdown all around the world, including Japan, the store staff said this tree will at least make the people who visited their store feel the gorgeous Christmas atmosphere. Adorned with more than 240 jewels including diamond baubles and strings of genuine pearls, I am sure this 24kg tree is going to make anyone who visited the store felt ' gorgeous ' and ' luxurious ', at least in that few minutes they are in the store.

Three years ago in 2006, Soo Kee Jewellery, a famous Singapore Jeweler had produce the world’s most expensive Christmas tree ( at that time ) made out of 21,798 glittering diamonds totaling 913 carats, 3762 crystal beads and with 456 lights to decorate and make it all bling-bling.

It's almost 3215 kg and really tall, about 6 feet in height. It cost almost $ 1.005 Million. Indeed, Tanaka’s tree is so far officially the world’s most expensive Christmas tree. Although, I find that Soo Kee’s 2006 Christmas tree is much more impressive with its outrageous adornments.

By the way, my tree in my house is barely cost few bucks with last year’s decoration.
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There are a lot of great movies going to broadcast this year. Do you ever expect Malaysia filmed its own movie and banned it. I guess the movie censorship might not approve it due to it not suitable for viewing. Let's see what movies are that.

Our politicians can be actor too.

We Are Soldiers is expected to be available in overseas only. Why? Cinemas in Malaysia have no confidence in this film? I guess I have to download it via Bittorent.

Mongolian Beauty should be a good one. Hope the actresses are as pretty as Altantuya.

I hope I won’t get into trouble by posting pictures like these. These are to be taken lightly, no pun intended to certain Malaysia leaders. Cheers. =D
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Sami Value, " You Think You Can Runaway?

“Deh, i got my new job!”

"Deh, you think you monkeys can runaway from my tolls? I can get you anyhow"
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Ice Age 3 : Dawn of the Dinosaur

Ice Age 3 : Dawn of the Dinosaur is a quite great animation directed this year. Ahemm..it's quite entertaining for me, though.

As usual, Ice Age begin with an action of a squirrel getting his precious acorn.

I wonder my eyes will be that big when I saw a sexy girl. They could think me as a sex maniac.

This time, the producer try to be creative and put no more disasters and ice falling to evade the squirrel from getting the acorn. He think out an idea, a charming and sweet female squirrel could be ever greater challenge for the male squirrel.

I wonder how creative they are. They made her a pair of smoky eyes and some blush on her face. It is so undescribeable and I guess I can't sleep tonight. The horror.

But still, the only one creature love her, it is....


Here, the producer also won't forget to put in some Spiderman 3's action into the animation.

The scene of Sid saving the three dino eggs. It was just like Spiderman shooting his web out and stick to the egg.

The most unbelieveable thing gonna show up in this scene. I have no idea why this thing can happen. Not any damn clue.

A heavy mammoth ( heavier than us 1000x ) hanging on a very thin branch and the branch doesn't broken at all.

This is the best scene I had, the Momma

It makes me feel of a Dinosaur chasing me to eat.

This is the expression showed when she saw her 3 dino babies.

Momma, " Walao A, so big liao arr..."
It was just like my mother when I told her that I belanja her eat McDonald.

And this one, the meeting with a singled eye weasel, Buck.

He has a nice teeth. No doubt someone indeed looks like him.

This guy was so hungry until he ate a steel. But he really looks like Buck, doesn't him? Just little fatter than Buck.

Not forget our Ice Age main antagonist, Rudy.

Buck stand up at a very very very very, very very....high tree ( maybe higher than Taipei 101 ) and the Rudy just slightly higher than the tree. We sure think that Rudy is a huge monster that brings volcano and height is over 1400 feets.


He was just that big. Can't even higher than a coconut tree.

And, St John Ambulance should corrected their history because...

Aware : The CPR method is existed since long time ago in ice age.

This is not a review. Just another crap from me since I have been inactive in blogging.

Disclaimer : For someone who want to screw Andrew's butthole for his crap today, I will be wearing 30 underwears from now on and it won't be easy on you. I will protect my ass at any cost.

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TMNet's Management Is Worst Than Saddam! Ignorant and Irresponsible!

I did try to control my frustration on Streamyx because I understand it is due to an earthquake (natural disaster)…

But still, I am boiled…

How can TM-NUT management can be so dishonest and ignorant on their current situation. I know the situation is very bad, why not stand up and admit it clearly and let us know exactly how bad is the situation and how long would it takes to really rectify the problem? Instead, they write shits like this in their website

> Internet users in Malaysia and other parts of Asia may be experiencing some delay when assessing content and websites hosted outside of Malaysia, especially in U.S., Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and Europe. TM Net has taken immediate action to divert traffic through other back-up links to reduce the traffic congestion

Some delay? SOME? MAY BE? Why they don’t have the guts to admit it like a man? Everyone know it is a SERIOUS DELAY. not “Some Delay”!!! Tell us the truth that we need to know. You mention about back-up links, do you really have any back-up links? What kind of load can your back-up links handle? I know internet users in Malaysia is seriously affected, but I doubt Singapore is. So stop using phases like “Malaysia and other parts of Asia” but just say MALAYSIA. Because you are only responsible for Malaysia broadband, even other countries do bad doesn’t relate to you. Focus on your duty.

> especially in U.S., Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and Europe.

Wahaha, isn’t that consider the whole internet?

> We would like to assure you that we are doing all that is necessary in order to restore the service as soon as possible

Rubbish. Everyone know how to write this kind of rubbish. How you assure? What is the necessary? When is soon?

> We will be making further announcements when the service has resumed.

When are your “further announcements”? This is a SERIOUS RED-ALERT LEVEL EMERGENCY, and as your customers for 4 years, all I get was the 240 words from your website and the 1 minute “briefing” from 1300-88-9515?


TM-NUT, the way you run your business SUCKS. You are irresponsible to your customers who pay you every month for your promised services. You are dishonest by saying something like ‘may be experiencing some delay’. Your can be ignorant because you monopolized the broadband in Malaysia and thus giving us no choice but to pay for your rubbish service only!

Countries like Singapore are affected too but not as serious as our level since not all their ‘international links’ are broken, they can still deliver their service. It looks like our TM-NUT only have one link and when it is damaged, everything is broken. I am not using the Internet for P2P or Torrent. I am not playing World Of WarCraft or Ragnarok. Nor I am watching any YouTube videos.

If the flood in Johor can take away life and destroyed properties… Then the rubbish TM-Net can also destroyed mine just like the flood… I am now drowning in the “virtual” flood created by TM-NET.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx because he is too tired.
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Places I Wish To Go

I have been dreaming about having a travel to the whole world. But seems it is something like a "dream", just wishing to go a few places. Here my list.

1. Kinokuniya Book Store
I like to SMELL new books just like girls like to SMELL their shampoo and bath gel before they buy. Won’t really buy lots of books because buying books is easy but reading is painful (lots of time and energy)! So smell-smell is good enough.
Side note:
for those who can invent a device that allows me to transfer all the information in a book to my brain within minutes, I will pay you 10 times the value of each book that I want to install to my brain. But I don’t want to kena electric shock and poke holes and wires on my body. Make it wireless please.
2. Ice skiing!
Prefer to go the US but I don’t think they will let me in because I look like a terrorist. Wahaha. And I am also an options trader. You need to declare if you are an options trader when you enter US (via the immigration form). Options trader are considered as potential terrorist by the US government. Osama Bin Laden bombed the World Trade Center on September 11. He bought a lot of PUT options at the same time (PUT options make money when stock market crashed). When the 2 towers came down, the US stock market also came down. So Osama made a lot of money to pay his employees and fund his R&D department. See, Osama is a very smart businessman too!

So I think I will have no choice but to choose Canada. Can’t pick UK because of their expensive UK Pound (7 Ringgit baru dapat 1 Pound, Celaka) and I really cannot tahan their slang. They speak with their nose! Pain become Pan, Year become Yee (1 yee, 2 yees), Fear become Fee (Fee Factor), ‘Are You Sure’ become ‘Are you Sot’, Malaysia become Ma-lai-sial… zzz

3. Pulau Pangkor.
What the heck! Pulau Pangkor?! Not French Polynesia, not Maldives, not Seychelles and Not Fuji? Yes, you are damn right, it is Pulau Pangkor that I want to introduce to you.

Come on. It is Visit Malaysia 2009! Have some support for Pulau Pangkor. The pictures I show you are Pangkor Laut Resort. And I know your mind is still mumbling, “What the hell, Pulau Pangkor?!!!”. While you are still mumbling, please note that their room rates start from USD 275++ to USD 825++. Or you can book up special areas in the island for your own private use. Rates are between USD 8,000 to USD 14,000 for 3 nights.
Oh, by the way USD stands for United States Dollar and all prices are subject to 10% service charge and 5% goverment tax.

Now only you know you are god damn poor. Wahahahaha.
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After This Our Exile

View more details here.

This movie is very special to us because it is taken in Malaysia. At that time, I'm still in heaven. This movie is based on 20 years ago at a place called Ipoh. To know how long is 20 years ago, a phone look like this in the movie.

Dude, it is a rotator phone. Kleeek-kak-kak-kak-kak-kak,Kleeek-kak-kak-kak-kak-kak-kak. You dial the number by rotating the numbers and not pushing buttons.

While Hong Kong and Taiwan people have no idea what Ipoh and Malaysia look like, but Malaysia guy like me can easily sense something in miliseconds when we see these.

We are sensitive to something that look like ‘money’ because we hope to pick some up from the floor. This is the Malaysia new currency notes, they don’t exist 20 years ago.

Wow, this car have back break lights on the upper part of the car and the metallic blue doesn't exist 20 years ago.

Sorry dude, no red and white plastic chairs existed 20 years ago. It is either metal chairs, wood chairs, or bamboo chairs. But that Nissan Sunny is exactly what we use at that time.

And the WINNER!

There us is no Jobstreet.com 20 years ago! Wahahahaha!!

[There is no Google.com, no Yahoo.com, no Netscape browser, no Internet Explorer... no such thing as Ebay Auction, YouTube, Torrent, Blog, not even Jaring and TM-Nut Streamyx]. But the freaking proton saga existed 20 years ago and only changed slightly from saga to Iswara. You can still buy one today. Useless Proton.

Another word is ‘Ah Boy’, almost all Chinese families call their son ‘Ah Boy’. ‘Ah Boy’ become his name and when he is 50 year old, his 80 year old mum will still call his son ‘Ah Boy, eat rice lor’! And do you know why it is still better to be called Ah Boy? Because the first son will usually be called Ah Boy and the 2nd son will be called ‘Ah Bi’, which come from ‘Baby’! I don’t want my 80 year old mum calling me ‘Ah Bi, come to eat rice lor’ when I am 50 years old!
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Streamyx Homepage

I help them to fix their typo. Hopefully their webmaster will update their homepage soon.


Experience the Internet like never before

With TMNet Streamyx, you get broadband access service, which stays perpetually connected to the Internet with speed bandwidths of 8k 512k up to 50kbps 2mbps.

So, now when you download your favourite songs, movies, music videos and even accessing your favourite websites, you will won’t have to wait for ever and ever, leaving you with more time to enjoy everything except the Internet as you like.

Broadband your life today and experience the World Wide Web like never before.

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx so that he can LIVE IN PEACE
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Lion In Workshop

Imagine it that you're seeing a lion while you dropping your car for repair in a local workshop.

Mechanics there just thought it's another work day, and suddenly a LION appeared. It is obviously looking for meal, Andrew is judging by how skinny its look.

All the mechanics freaked out and locked themself somewhere but some of them pee in their own underwear. But, only a guy who brave to take one of this beast picture.

After taking the second of its picture, the lion turn around his head towards the guy....

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Short Post : My Wish....

First, I just wanna to be Susan Boyle. Singing "I Dreamed A Dream" in front of millions of audience

Second, I just want to own a R-35. Racing around with street racer.

Third, I just wanna be like Lebron James. Enter the magazine cover and holding a chick like she's mine.

Fourth, I just wanna this...

Tell me I'm not greedy,eh.

Don't look down at them. They can even wink better than me. I nearly shocked by them.
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Challenging Your Thoughts. Right and Wrong

2009 is quite confusing year for me. A lot of weird thoughts conquer my mind and might eventually make me crazy for thinking too much. Luckily I noticed the mental hospital just few km from Mentakab.

The Monk and The Butcher

A monk and a butcher satys together in a same room. They're just roommates. They stay together as best friends. If monk wake up earlier, he will wake up the butcher too. If butcher wake up earlier, he will wake up the monk instead. So time flies and one day they're dead. The monk was sent to HELL and the butcher is sent to HEAVEN! Why?

Because the monk wake up the butcher to go for KILLING everyday (bad deed) while the butcher wake up the monk to PRAY everyday (good deed)

Emperor Qin

Almost everyone want to kill Qin Shi Huang because he is a brutal leader. They call him the bad guy. Tony Leung Chiu Wai, who play the top assassin in the movie Hero, break through all the defense barrier of Emperor Qin until the final (like Lee Chong Wei playing badminton entering final with Lin Dan), placing his “ parang knife ” (it is really a parang if you watch the movie) on the neck of Emperor Qin. He can just chop his head down like a coconut but at that moment, he got some realization. He didn’t kill him and left. He said, “One shouldn’t kill Emperor Qin”. (I hope Lee Chong Wei won’t say “ One shouldn’t beat Lin Dan ”)

Why? He might be a “ bad ” guy but he united the whole China under him and ended the war and ends the people suffering of the long war. If Qin is killed, people will need to suffer in war again.

Freedom And Democrazy

We all want freedom. But think about it, if everyone has freedom, then we really don’t have any freedom! If everyone can do what they want to do, how on earth can you feel safe! If you let your kids to decide if they want to go to school, all of them will say NO. And school can close shop without H1N1. If you ask the adult if they want to work, all of them will say NO too. If you ask the people if government should pay every citizen RM5,000 monthly, all of them will say YES. “Freedom” on highway with no speed limit? You dare to use the highway anymore?

And you think democrazy is right for everyone, right for every country? Look at Thailand, look at Philippines. Too much freedom and too democracy are crazy. Something that work in a country might not work well in another.You can’t give freedom to everyone. No freedom = prison. Too much freedom = crazy. We can only give half freedom.

Should We Try To Change People?

If we think something is “right”, should we convince people on it and make people think the way we think? If we think something is “wrong”, should we tell other people? This is an important question for everyone to ask themselves. It is also the the biggest challenge to religions.

When I blog, I am LOUD and BOLD. But if I see you in person, I rarely rarely rarely rarely will talk about this. I don’t even talk much to my parents about this nowadays. Because this thing will just make you an “unfriendly creature”.

My point of guidance is simple ( that I learn from reading newspaper! ahh, sometimes “ Newspaper is better than what we expected " ), you can try to change people, but you need to make sure you don’t piss people off! If you are sensing anger out of the fella, you better stop ( including your mum! ). Let them stay the way they wants. Don’t make people angry and unhappy.

There is also no need to get angry when something you expected happen. “ See, ask you not to drive so fast, now accident already lor ”. “ See, ask you not to eat KFC so much, now got cancer already lor ”… People, no matter they listen or not, no matter the do the “ right ” or the “ wrong ” thing will suffer all the consequences as a cause and effect. It is their path whether it is their choice or not. A guy who has lung cancer might already been enjoying smoking for 30 plus years and he may thinks the pleasure for so long is worth it! Maybe for them to live until 100 years old without cigarettes is more suffering.

Soldiers And Villagers ( Potato People? )

The soldiers are chasing for the runaways villagers. They have killed almost all of them in the village, the ‘lucky’ ones managed to escape and hide in a cave nearby. The soldiers are still searching nearby. One of the baby keeps crying! He is ‘innocent’ but his crying will get everyone killed including his mum and dad! What should his mum and dad do? If you are one of the villager, what do you do? If you are one of the villager and your wife and you mum and your dad and your 12 kids and your 108 year-old grandma and your mother-in-law is with you, WHAT DO YOU DO? To kill the baby, or not to kill the baby? 1 dies or 30 die? Or we have no right to kill no matter what, even we will be killed?

If You Kill Yourself And Can Save Other Men's Life

If there is a gun and you point it to your head and pull the trigger and you can save a stranger life, will you do it? What if it is your mum, or your kids? What if it is not 1 stranger but 10 strangers? What if it is 100 strangers? 1,000? 1 million?!

Will You Eat Cockroach?

People in “ fear factor ” eat a lot of cockroaches. But will you do that? Some people eat cockroach without you asking because they say it tastes good! What if I pay you RM10 to eat a cockroach? You might not be interested but the beggar might do it, for him eating cockroach is nothing but RM10 is a big thing. What if it is RM100? RM1,000? RM1 million? I WILL EAT ONE and I don’t know about you. Every value has a price.

Your Baby So Cute Lar..

Do you say “Your baby is so cute!” or do you say “Your baby look like a orang utan?” when indeed it look like a orang utan?

Claiming Warranty

“ Was it strike by thunder? ”
“ No ar, I don’t think so. I always unplug the wire one wor. ”

“ Did you wet it?”
“ No ar, this morning trying to turn it on already like this. ”

“ Did you drop it on the floor? ”
“ No ar! I open the box it is already like this. ”

Should We Sent Him To Police Station?

If you catch a thieve, will you send him to the police or let him go? The theive recognize your face (and your wife, your daughter and your baby). He knows where you live and tell you that, one day he is going to come back to you. If you are heroism where everything must be ‘white white white’ type of guy, you will send him to the police. But what after that? Will you be wondering is you house still safe? Is he coming back? Why your wife haven’t come back yet …

If You Eat Pig, If You Slaughter A Cow

If you are a muslim and there is no food for days but only pork, and you have wife and kids with you, do you eat? Do you let your kids eat? If you are a Hinduism and a cow is the only food you have for the entire village, do you slaughter it? If you are a Buddishm who can’t kill and there is a lion chasing after a group of shool kids, can you kill the lion?

What Happens In The End?

At the end, life is so fucking challenging. We all seems to be so confuse in this world and we have to make all sort of decisions everyday that we don’t know if it is right or wrong. Andrew is getting like a bullshitter nowadays.
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Short Post : A Reaction After 4 Years WoW Account Deleted

A dude get mad after knowing his mother deleted his WoW account. He has played that account for 4 YEARS.

This is the video how the dude get mad and the craziest thing he do is using a remote control to impale his own ass. If any of you see this case happen, call 999 to send him to Hospital Tanjung Rambutan before it's getting serious.
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Interview For A Job

At first, you browse around newspaper classified section looking for numbers or emails like you’re wandering around dating websites.

Then, you send in your CV after modifying it for the sixth time, but you are not sure is the letter going to be read or not. It just like you're writing the love letters.

In the interview, you’re meeting the stranger sitting in front of you for the first time, but you’re willing to tell him/her everything about yourself.

Expert says you have about 30 seconds to make the very important first-impression, but what they didn’t mention is that you have the next half an hour to screw up that fake image.

9 out of 10 interviewers can’t pronounce your name properly through out the interview, but you go on without feeling disrespect.

You had already written all the answers for the first 5 questions in your CV, but strange, you had to repeat the answers verbally, again and again.

You think listing your blog address in the CV makes you look cool and the interviewer will know more about your speciality. But sadly, the question you get about a blog is: “Do you own a blog?”

Looking for a job?

Enjoy the process, coz it’s pretty much like having a date with your love-at-first-sight.

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When we talk about Guinness, our mouth will start watering. Although I'm still under age, but I'm truly fall in love with this stout beer. I started to drink beer when I was travelling to Taiwan where I thought a beer is a coke. I can't describe how the taste it was. It was undescribeable.

In Dublin, all people are drinking Guinness everyday. Guinness is the Ireland's oldest and most famous export to the world.

What's your feel now? A cold glass of Guinness. Lem@n has called me as beer maniac. Don't worry. I'm not that kind of drunk man who sleep on the street. I'm just want to enjoy the taste of this beer, together serve when I'm watching sexy girls or nice scenery. I wish I can hold this pint of black stuff everyday.

The Guinness T-Shirt. No doubt why the Guinness can make over $2 billion annually. I rather wear this shirt than wearing Nike T-Shirt. I hope I can do one privated with T-Shirt King.

Don't think it's easy to pour a beer into the glass. Don't think it is exactly the same with pouring water to your body. There's skill to pour the beer.

Just giving it a good head, is to pull back at the right moment.

This is the result when you're not pour properly. What a sinking bubbles.

A Guinness a day. Based on Wikipedia, studies claim that Guinness can be beneficial to the heart. Doctor also prescribe Guinness to women to boost up their iron levels after they give birth. A FREE Guinness after giving birth. Makes me wanna give birth too!

Imagine that you're having a glass of cold Guinness every breakfast. You're just eating breakfast in heaven.

Anyway, I'm going to marry Guinness stout beer next 6 years!
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My Fastest Speed Boost

I'm like downloading in heaven. It's never been a faster than 100kb/s download speed in my life. But what I've seen today is really unbelieveable.

The 1mb/s download speed. The 14.6mb file download in less than 6 seconds. It was my first fastest speed boost in my life.

Oh my god, I'm like surfing in heaven.
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Tuts My Barreh

Since I less posting out videos on my blog, I decided to put up some videos on it or else it would be boring with my bullshit words. Here the latest Touch My Body-Mariah Carey version.

This is the sickest music video I have ever watch. This video is going to be Internet meme soon.

There are few words I learnt from this MV,

Coz if you run your mother break a bottle sicker run day boo

Wrestle me around - He is calling us to wrestling with him.

Throw me on the bay - The new way for calling people help us to suicide

Rape me in my thighs - Oh God, is he calling us to rape his thighs or rape him in someone else thighs?

Know you love my cock - Know you love my dick

Come on give me the water desert
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Word Verification

I get this word verification when I want to post comment on my friend's blog. Blogger gonna make me to write fucker but they scare I will sue them, so they change from fucker to fouker to make it sounds same.
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