Tuts My Barreh

Since I less posting out videos on my blog, I decided to put up some videos on it or else it would be boring with my bullshit words. Here the latest Touch My Body-Mariah Carey version.

This is the sickest music video I have ever watch. This video is going to be Internet meme soon.

There are few words I learnt from this MV,

Coz if you run your mother break a bottle sicker run day boo

Wrestle me around - He is calling us to wrestling with him.

Throw me on the bay - The new way for calling people help us to suicide

Rape me in my thighs - Oh God, is he calling us to rape his thighs or rape him in someone else thighs?

Know you love my cock - Know you love my dick

Come on give me the water desert
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