Newspaper Did The Same Thing Again

The purpose of newspaper writing news for rape cases and crime cases to increase readers awareness and and be more becareful in this society. It will makes readers get smart too but not as smart as Andrew.

However, newspaper sometime can be very busybody and disclose information that I think SHOULD NEVER be published on newspaper.

For example, the daughter of a restaurant was raped in TF Value Mart.

Why the newspaper need to publish the exact road and house number of the crime scene? Because it is Visit Malaysia Year 2009 so everyone nearby (my KL house is near) can drive there and pay a visit?

And why the newspaper need to publish the victim’s parents restaurant name and location? So that the whole town can pay a visit and eat there? My girl friend stay in walking distance to the restaurant. Thanks to the newspaper, now the whole township knows exactly whose daughter get raped and killed and know exactly where they work. This has become the hot topic of the town. Every time they drive pass the shop, they can say, “This is the shop that the daughter get raped and killed”.
Newspaper, give them a life!

They don’t deserve all this troubles. They already have enough pain. They don’t need a few thousands people reminding them the death of their girl for the rest of their life. Even for people who are not busybody, it is quite hard to ‘talk’ normally to them again when they know about what happen to their daugher. Their business will also be affected.

There are also people who will go to them or call to send their condolence. This is also a BAD thing that actually gives more burden. Every call will remind them of the pain. While you might have a sincere heart to call to ‘care’, for them it is just another burden. You are doing nothing good to them.

If one of your family members die today, and one thousand people with a sincere heart come and say to you, “Don’t feel too upset ….”. Do you really think it will make you better?

Eww.... newspaper. Busybody. Nah, give you my middle finger.
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