Fresh Things I Learnt From Transformer

Since Transformer coming to cinema soon, I decided to watch back the Transformer. This blockbuster movie is more than a action movie. It's also can be educational and you can learn a lot of things that you can't find one in your textbook.

Here are the things I learned from Transformer.

  • eBay is now officially the most known website for make-money-online.
  • When you need a good score from your teacher, try pursue him with this line: "What will you do if you’re the God?"
  • When it comes to secret code analyzing, hackers in your neighbourhood might do better jobs than all FBI intelligence combined.
  • Never ever outsource your customer support to India, even if their service is dead cheap!
  • Yup, no adults can survive in United States without a credit card - You’ll probably need them when calling 911 in the future!)
  • Blame earthquake when you accidentally spoil your dad’s compound.
  • When you’re detained by the FBI, make sure you finish every bite of the food they served you
  • Fact 101: Hot chic likes guy with strong arms with nice car (Aha! who doesn’t know that)
Hey, don’t misunderstand that I dislike the movie. Transformers is definitely one of the best big-screen entertainments in year 2007. Those bots are just eye-opening creations.
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