Joshua is Borned. Andrew is now a UNCLE not a DUDE anymore!

On 11th June, I received a call from Taiwan that my sister have bored an infant. They describe him as very cute, chubby and whitey. Sad, a very young Andrew now change his status to a Uncle which makes him looks old than his real age.

Cut the crap, I requested a few pictures of my nephew.

He sleeping? No! He is dreaming about his smart uncle.

He is cute, chubby and whitey, but baby Andrew is more than that.

Why is he crying? I will tell you why. He is crying because he can't see his smart uncle nowhere. Muahahaha.

Oh my god, I guess he sure looking for his lovely uncle. I'm here, I'm in Malaysia!

Oh gosh, Anita! Are you choking my nephew?
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2 Response to "Joshua is Borned. Andrew is now a UNCLE not a DUDE anymore!"

  1. LeMoN says:
    June 15, 2009 at 9:53 PM

    funny .....
    his eyes so big @.@

  2. Andrew says:
    June 15, 2009 at 10:07 PM


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