The Worst Holidays Ever

Think back of my previous holidays, I spent my time happily, enjoy whole time and even dreaming something good. But this 2 weeks holiday made me mad. I can't even sleep properly because the cats outside my house keep meoww-ing. And it should be good morning, however, my phone keep ringing and a sexy voice " Hey baby, you got a message " wake me up and in the half sleep, the voice turns to be like something witch talking to me.

I need to do the stupid Sejarah and Geografi projects, and some kinda NIE Competition. At night, my friends keep inviting me for games that I'm not very interest now. Guess what, my brother is getting marry and whole family is busy doing preparation.

Worse, I need to baby-sitting few babies. They cry, I need to wipe their tears. They pee, I need to change pampers, They hungry, I need to feed them with milks. I'm not The Pacifier.

What the hell. Damn you, holidays. Pissed me off!!
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