My Fastest Speed Boost

I'm like downloading in heaven. It's never been a faster than 100kb/s download speed in my life. But what I've seen today is really unbelieveable.

The 1mb/s download speed. The 14.6mb file download in less than 6 seconds. It was my first fastest speed boost in my life.

Oh my god, I'm like surfing in heaven.
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Tuts My Barreh

Since I less posting out videos on my blog, I decided to put up some videos on it or else it would be boring with my bullshit words. Here the latest Touch My Body-Mariah Carey version.

This is the sickest music video I have ever watch. This video is going to be Internet meme soon.

There are few words I learnt from this MV,

Coz if you run your mother break a bottle sicker run day boo

Wrestle me around - He is calling us to wrestling with him.

Throw me on the bay - The new way for calling people help us to suicide

Rape me in my thighs - Oh God, is he calling us to rape his thighs or rape him in someone else thighs?

Know you love my cock - Know you love my dick

Come on give me the water desert
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Word Verification

I get this word verification when I want to post comment on my friend's blog. Blogger gonna make me to write fucker but they scare I will sue them, so they change from fucker to fouker to make it sounds same.
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Fresh Things I Learnt From Transformer

Since Transformer coming to cinema soon, I decided to watch back the Transformer. This blockbuster movie is more than a action movie. It's also can be educational and you can learn a lot of things that you can't find one in your textbook.

Here are the things I learned from Transformer.

  • eBay is now officially the most known website for make-money-online.
  • When you need a good score from your teacher, try pursue him with this line: "What will you do if you’re the God?"
  • When it comes to secret code analyzing, hackers in your neighbourhood might do better jobs than all FBI intelligence combined.
  • Never ever outsource your customer support to India, even if their service is dead cheap!
  • Yup, no adults can survive in United States without a credit card - You’ll probably need them when calling 911 in the future!)
  • Blame earthquake when you accidentally spoil your dad’s compound.
  • When you’re detained by the FBI, make sure you finish every bite of the food they served you
  • Fact 101: Hot chic likes guy with strong arms with nice car (Aha! who doesn’t know that)
Hey, don’t misunderstand that I dislike the movie. Transformers is definitely one of the best big-screen entertainments in year 2007. Those bots are just eye-opening creations.
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7th June : My Brother Wedding

That's joy for me. I can get big angpao from my brother and his wife. But on the day I just get few bucks from my brother and the worst is my mother keep the money in her wallet so she can use it to buy her Loreal and SK-II. On the previous day before the dinner, many of my relatives came to my house and my dad force me sleep in the rented house. That house was full of mosquitoes and the bed hard like rock.

Dude, I'm not the stone-aged man.

During the day, we have take lots of pictures. But....

It's all to be more taken like this. Damn it. What the camera man is doing? He took my picture when I closing my eyes!

The brothers. How come I didn't include in this picture. My brother forgotten me though.

On the way going to Temerloh. Wedding is too complicated. I don't know why need to tie one red cloth on it.

What a funny stuff. He is protecting his pee pee.

What a lovely couple. We are in the new house. I'm gonna eat all fried chicken there.

That's fun to jump on the bed. But that's unfair too. My brother doesn't allow me to jump there while they can just jump at there as many as they like.

Till the early night, we all gathered at SJK (C) Mentakab. I need to serve some guests and the hell is some of them doesn't cooperate with me. When I entering the hall, what I saw is my this.

Kwai Ling is pulling Sooi Peng.

It's the time my brother welcoming his wife with singing. We are brothers. He have the singing talent and so do I. That is the genetic.

That's hilarious. He sing until he reached the stage.

Shocked me. They gathered around us and greet us. But, since I'm banana people and they're talking about complicated Chinese, I don't really get what they have said.

He is kissing her. I wish I can do that but to other girls. There'll be the chance or there'll not.

There are three main shouters. With the high-tech SLR camera, why the hell I'm like a dead people with black and white background.

The second main shouter, my father. YUM-SENG!!!

The third main shouter shouldn't be me. I was too lazy to shout and the first and second time I just opened my mouth. But, he placed the microphone to my mouth and I was forced to shout and the longest shout ever.

Wedding dinner doesn't bad to me. There are some entertaiment such as Mentakab Got Talents 2009. I'm voted by them as a judge, second Simon Cowell, the Andrew Cowell. I'm judging the final which is The Diversity.

The Diversity.

And, there'll sure be Susan Boyle. She is singing " Butterfly "

The infamous Susan Boyle with " I Dreamed A Dream ".

Who will be the winner? The Diversity or Susan Boyle? Andrew Cowell is now scratching his head to choose out a winner. Both of them are good and hard to decide which is the winner. The result will be announce later.

Puan Soh and his husband attended the dinner.

Okay. It's the time now to announce the winner of Mentakab Got Talents 2009. I'm sure you will be curious to know who is the winner. The winner is.....



For those who want to screw Andrew's ass for his bullshit today

From now onwards, I will be wearing 20 underwears. So, it won't be easy on you. I will protect my ass at any cost.
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Durian Season

Durian season is here. A thorny husk fruits is coming to conquer the Malaysia again. I will get this opportunity to eat this king of fruits.

There are so many durians to be sold here. And there are some free to try. But unfortunately, my parent doesn't allow me to try since its smell is too offensive to them.

Poor me. My father said he don't want to buy durians this year. I just can see but can't eat.

After I shouting for days, my father finally bought ONE, I repeat again, ONE durian to keep my mouth shut. Since it is better than nothing, I just eat it whole without complaining.

The juicy and sweet odour finally came into my mouth. But, without my knowledge, my father stole one big odour from me.

After eating it, I decided to sleep with the smell of durians. However, my mother doesn't allow me to sleep with the smell. She said the smell is too offensive and she believe it will make the whole house smelly.

When I go near to her, she just run for her life. Durian fragrant just like poisonous gas to her. So I have to sacrifice my durian fragrant for my love to my mother. I don't want her to run from me.


Mummy, thank you for taking part in this post!

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Joshua is Borned. Andrew is now a UNCLE not a DUDE anymore!

On 11th June, I received a call from Taiwan that my sister have bored an infant. They describe him as very cute, chubby and whitey. Sad, a very young Andrew now change his status to a Uncle which makes him looks old than his real age.

Cut the crap, I requested a few pictures of my nephew.

He sleeping? No! He is dreaming about his smart uncle.

He is cute, chubby and whitey, but baby Andrew is more than that.

Why is he crying? I will tell you why. He is crying because he can't see his smart uncle nowhere. Muahahaha.

Oh my god, I guess he sure looking for his lovely uncle. I'm here, I'm in Malaysia!

Oh gosh, Anita! Are you choking my nephew?
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Happy Divorce

After writing a post " How To Live Happily In This World ", people starting to change their thoughts dramatically and they are converting the sad to happy. They have enlarging their hearts to biggest size. Why I'm telling this? The " Happy Divorce " cake existed right now. After you divorce with your mate, you can celebrate it together. Blow the candle and sing Happy Divorce To You.

Oh my god, I will change my mind to not to marry. If we divorce, she may get my head off.

While she can get my head off, I can make her fall from KLCC before she get me.
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" Encik, kamu ni disaman. Saman besar ni". How To Bribe A Police?

All saman are extremely expensive which is between RM50-RM500 ( any mistake please correct me )

So use your brain next time when you want to bribe a police, don’t believe in the bullshit, “Ini Saman Tiga Ratus Ringgit!”, and let the police scare the shit off you and end up you need to beg them to take your RM100! Use the following formula when calculating the amount of kopi duit.



1 Police = RM10

2 Police = RM20

3+ Police = RM30 (maximum)

Remember that price are always negotiable! These are the HIGHEST price you can pay.

Things that you should remember when you get caught.

1. Don’t look like a virgin even if you are one! Pretend that you have been caught many times and you are their loyal customer. If they know you are a little virgin, you will be raped.

2. You need to continue talking! Don’t keep quiet. Keep talking shit and they will always talk back to you because they want to find a way to get to the point.

3. Don’t talk like a lawyer! Talk like you are talking to your best friend. Must Kawan Kawan Tau!

4. Make your first offer using 50% of the bribe amount (i.e. RM10 if 2 police). This is very important because they will say no to the first offer. Then you act like it is very hard for you and you talk cock that you are very poor, you then increase it to the bribe amount. They will happily accept it because all people want to bargain a bit than only feel happy.

If you are good, this should be settled within 10 minutes guaranted.

What if you do not have enough money or your ringgit notes are too big (i.e RM50/RM100)?

Negotiate the price *first* before telling them you don’t have the money or small notes! Then, let them hold your IC/Driving License so they know you can’t run away. You can now

1. Go withdraw cash at ATM or go back house to take if near.

2. If notes are too big, simply go to 7-eleven to buy a condom or you can go pump petrol at the nearest petrol station. (kopitiam, shops will also work! Use your brain)

This method is based on the concept, “Making a new friend is better than making a new enemy”.

Disclaimer: These are my little bullshit and for laughing purposes only, don’t use it as I am not responsible if you burned your ass with it.


I have to say great thanks to my father and brother for some information and thousands of thank you to Youtube video to give me some sample/example.

Please cover any small childrens' ear in the room.

There are some cultural talking style in Malaysia such as,

" Yamcha lar, diu "
" Diu lor, police coming "

I wondering how the hell he so early to record this video while he is not aware of the existence of police.

1) He saw the police chasing him behind so he wanted to record down to show us the bribe video

2) This is a fake video. Not a true story. They make this video to show us the example of police bribing us.
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Pimps the Bapa Ayam : Sequel To My Prostitution Post

I wrote a very long post on April, Prostitute which in my view, it is legal. I also believe it is my greatest post ever. But I make a silly mistake as a blogger. It was too long. So people just skip it through.

Okay, if there are prostitute, sure have some pimps. What is pimps? Pimps are the one who find customer for prostitute, and officially called by Malay as Bapa Ayam.

Bapa Ayam play a very important role in the Chicken Industry.

1. They protect their girls from abusive customers, especially physical abuse. Some customers think that their RM30 is very big, want to play 6 hours, want to play SM and expect the girl to supply the candles. Some expect to get free gifts like cigarettes and mineral water.

2. They are more aggressive sales man then Citibank Credit Card and Digi! They don’t need a degree in Business and Marketing but they are still able to get customers for you. Depending on the chicken standard, some Bapa Ayam get customers directly from the street (guys that walk in Jalan Bukit Bintang before know what I mean), some uses the newspaper and yellow pages to advertise their massage girls or tour guide, some even got website

3. They charge only by commission. So if they can’t get customer for you, you don’t need to pay.


I suggest all
credit card salesman and mobile line salesman to consider switching their job to Bapa Ayam since they do almost the same thing. You can get free service some more.
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The Difference Between Real And Parody

Watch this..

My favourite Park Chang Yi ( Lee Byung Hun ) is copied by a massive dickhead who still eating chewing gum instead of smoking.
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Singapore Vs Malaysia. This Post Is Come Out Together With My Geografi Project, Perbandingan!

I have a lot to say about Singapore in relation to Malaysia. Most of us has been brain-washed by our politicians and puppet-doll-newspaper to think Singapore is the BAD GUY and we are the VICTIM. While Singapore might be the BAD GUY, what we didn’t notice is that Singapore is also the SMART GUY! On the other hand, Malaysia look ridiculously STUPID in many aspects.

One of the hottest topic last few years is the refusal of the Singapore government to let AirAsia land in their airport. I hate this myself because I do hope to fly cheaply to Singapore. But, before you think Singapore is selfish, do you know Malaysia is doing the exact same thing in many many ways?

Truth #1

Malaysia is building the double-track train system that connect the whole peninsular. Johor government refused to let the double-track to be connected to Singapore. They want it terminated at Johor Bahru. They are afraid that most people will actually ride directly to Singapore and will not stop at Johor, thus reducing the money flow to Johor and at the same time benefit their ‘enemy’ Singapore!

Isn’t that selfish? Isn’t that the same as Singapore refusing the landing or AirAsia?

Truth #2

We are so patriotic that almost all Malaysia families that own a car will own a PROTON! We are so patriotic that we actually need to pay a lot more money to buy a lousy car just because it is ‘Made In Malaysia’. We can’t own a better Toyota at cheaper price like Thailand citizens because we have to subsidize Proton. We have to ‘love’ our country because ‘Malaysia Boleh‘ Make Car. (Proton still lose money after 20 years of operation while Mitsubishi make a lot of money by selling engines to Proton. And we still can’t make our own engine. So technically we don’t make our own car, we make our own car cover only.)

There are lots of Nissan Sentra in Malaysia. Do you know there is a model called Nissan Sunny? You can’t find one here because if it is allowed to be sold in Malaysia, it will be too cheap!

Our government has disallowed other car manufacturers to compete equally with Proton. And who pay the price? We! The drivers!

Isn’t this the same as Singapore protecting their own airline company?

Truth #3

Most of us will have a Maybank account because it is the largest bank in Malaysia. So probably you must have dealt with a Maybank staff before. What kind of treatment do you get? How long do you need to wait just to place a Fixed Deposit? How long do you need to wait to apply for an ATM card?

If you have been to a Singapore bank, you will actually thought you are in a Hotel! The bank staffs will wait for you at the entrance! They will do anything you need while you sit on the sofa reading your favorite newspaper. In Singapore, customers is the boss. In Malaysia, customers is the slave.

This is happening because Malaysia banks are over protected by the Government. Only until recently Citibank are allowed to setup a few more branches. Before this, Citibank only have 3 branches in the whole Malaysia. So again, why Government choose to protect local business, we pay the price.

Isn’t that what the Singapore government is doing to AirAsia?


If Singapore Government is selfish, what about our Government? While Singapore Government might have been selfish, they have actually done a lot of great things for their people which we can only dream of! They are SELFISH but they are SMART too!

I use fucked-up Streamyx. You probably use Streamyx too. TM has a monopoly of the last mile connections. Unlike other countries, Malaysia has not passed any legislation for the unbundling of last mile connections. This gives little chance for other third party companies to compete with TMNet and has thus created an unhealthy business environment.

Look at our crime rates! We have tons of notebook thieves wandering around KL. We have tons of snatchers planning to snatch your mum’s handbag. We have tons of robbers that want to break into our house everyday.

Compare our Internet connection with Singapore!

Compare our crime rates with Singapore!

Compare our public transportation system with Singapore!

Compare our local universities with Singapore!

Compare our Ringgit Malaysia with Singapore!

Compare our Police with Singapore!

WE ARE FAR FAR BEHIND! WAKE UP MALAYSIANS! WAKE UP! We both started at the same time! We can’t blame our population and size because we will then need to compare ourself with Japan and Korea, which is even more scary!

(Japan need to recover from World War II and they don’t even speak English. Korea have to fight Communism and have their country split into half and they don’t speak English as well.)

WAKE UP MALAYSIA! Just talking ‘Malaysia Boleh’ is not enough, we have to work hard and PROOF IT!

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The Worst Holidays Ever

Think back of my previous holidays, I spent my time happily, enjoy whole time and even dreaming something good. But this 2 weeks holiday made me mad. I can't even sleep properly because the cats outside my house keep meoww-ing. And it should be good morning, however, my phone keep ringing and a sexy voice " Hey baby, you got a message " wake me up and in the half sleep, the voice turns to be like something witch talking to me.

I need to do the stupid Sejarah and Geografi projects, and some kinda NIE Competition. At night, my friends keep inviting me for games that I'm not very interest now. Guess what, my brother is getting marry and whole family is busy doing preparation.

Worse, I need to baby-sitting few babies. They cry, I need to wipe their tears. They pee, I need to change pampers, They hungry, I need to feed them with milks. I'm not The Pacifier.

What the hell. Damn you, holidays. Pissed me off!!
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Newspaper Did The Same Thing Again

The purpose of newspaper writing news for rape cases and crime cases to increase readers awareness and and be more becareful in this society. It will makes readers get smart too but not as smart as Andrew.

However, newspaper sometime can be very busybody and disclose information that I think SHOULD NEVER be published on newspaper.

For example, the daughter of a restaurant was raped in TF Value Mart.

Why the newspaper need to publish the exact road and house number of the crime scene? Because it is Visit Malaysia Year 2009 so everyone nearby (my KL house is near) can drive there and pay a visit?

And why the newspaper need to publish the victim’s parents restaurant name and location? So that the whole town can pay a visit and eat there? My girl friend stay in walking distance to the restaurant. Thanks to the newspaper, now the whole township knows exactly whose daughter get raped and killed and know exactly where they work. This has become the hot topic of the town. Every time they drive pass the shop, they can say, “This is the shop that the daughter get raped and killed”.
Newspaper, give them a life!

They don’t deserve all this troubles. They already have enough pain. They don’t need a few thousands people reminding them the death of their girl for the rest of their life. Even for people who are not busybody, it is quite hard to ‘talk’ normally to them again when they know about what happen to their daugher. Their business will also be affected.

There are also people who will go to them or call to send their condolence. This is also a BAD thing that actually gives more burden. Every call will remind them of the pain. While you might have a sincere heart to call to ‘care’, for them it is just another burden. You are doing nothing good to them.

If one of your family members die today, and one thousand people with a sincere heart come and say to you, “Don’t feel too upset ….”. Do you really think it will make you better?

Eww.... newspaper. Busybody. Nah, give you my middle finger.
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Andrew Boleh !!!

Some people always think that the Streamyx is the Internet provider. You're wrong, absolutely wrong. Streamyx not a Internet but a Intranet. It is the biggest Intranet in Malaysia. Some of you may confused with the word ' Intranet '. This technical word refers to Local Connected Network.

Usually universities and companies will have their one Intranet. The reason I say Streamyx is a Intranet because they connect like rocket in Malaysia and like TURTLE in USA! They also try to tell us that they are Intranet too. Streamyx powered by TMNet, and TMNet is Tanah Melayu Net! That means it's only local connection. So it is a shame that they call themselves Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) in Malaysia and we should call them Intranet Service Provider.

Here are my few speed testing with Speedtest.

–Speed Test to Los Angeles, USA–

Oh my God! What a amazing turtle speed! I pay rm88 for 1,024kbps and 500kbps only half of my package speed! The ancient analog modem that we keep in the museum now (the 1515 that sounds like diiiiiiiiiiiii-di-di-di-di when you try to connect) can connect at 800kbps!

No wonder Donald Trump can't hear me on Skype this morning. Argh!

–Speed Test to New York, USA–

Only 26% of my package speed. No wonder I keep disconnecting when chatting with Tony Blair.

The internet, means International Network. It connects the whole world together. If TM-Net promise us ‘Internet’ service of 1,024kbps, they should provide that speed for all sites in the world, not just Malaysia. So, our Streamyx is really one of the biggest Joke in Malaysia (something like Proton).

Malaysians are a pity nation. We know something is shit, but we still have to eat it. We know Streamyx is shit, but we still have to use it. We know Proton is shit, but we still have to drive it ( My father lar ). And I keep eating this 2 shits everyday (Streamyx and my Proton Waja). Andrew Boleh!

Update : Andrew is stop complaining about Streamyx so that he can sleep well
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